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Tuesday, April 17, 2018


Have you ever been the victim of a robbery? When someone steals something from you, you feel violated and vulnerable. And you become much more vigilant!

Without realizing it, we all allow a certain kind of thief into our lives every day. We allow time thieves to rob us of the precious hours, minutes and seconds of life. These thieves are subtle, but they are extremely dangerous. When they rob you of your time, they’re actually robbing a slice of your life!

What are some of these time thieves?

One thing that devours our time is our own spiritual and emotional immaturities. Any time we let our emotions get out of hand, time is lost? Think about it. How much time over the years have you wasted in anger? How about worry? How many potential wonderful life moments have been stolen from you while you wallowed around in your personal pity parties.

One of the best things we can do in life is to grow up — spiritually, emotionally and relationally. Paul the apostle said it this way in 1 Corinthians 13:11 (TLB) “When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things.”

When you grow up and put away childish things, not only will your life be happier, you’ll have more time to enjoy life and others, and to work productively for God’s Kingdom!

Pastor Dale

Monday, April 16, 2018


Life is either lived by principles or by emotions.

Some people base their actions, attitudes, and decisions on feelings. They put their trust in their instincts, intuitions, and moods. While these things can occasionally serve us adequately, they’re not highly reliable. They’re fickle, unstable, and unpredictable. They ever-changing. They are subject to distortion, misunderstanding, and self-deception. Our feelings can quickly and easily lead us astray.

A better way to live is by principles. A principle is a rule for living—better yet, it’s God’s rules for living. When we learn and live according to the right spiritual, moral, and relational life principles, we’re following a reliable set of directions. Right directions help us make right decisions.

When we accept God’s principles as our rules for living, life choices get much simpler, and life priorities become much clearer. That’s why King David recorded these words in Psalm 119:16 (NLT) “I will delight in your decrees [principles], and not forget your Word.” Your life will get better as you do the same!

Pastor Dale

Thursday, April 12, 2018


You are gifted! Every day God gifts you with a generous supply of something called time. Every day you receive 24 hours, 1,440 minutes and 86,400 seconds. Each week this multiplies into 168 hours, 10,080 minutes and a whopping 604,800 seconds!

What if these numbers represented dollars? You’d be extremely appreciative.

Wise people value time more than money. They realize that what they do with their time determines what happens with their life. They view time as a gift from God to be invested, rather than a useless item to be frivolously wasted. Wise people think about time differently.

Moses prayed a prayer we should regularly pray also. He was concerned about his use of time and asked for God’s help and wisdom investing it properly. Look at his prayer in Psalm 90:12 (TLB) “Teach us to number our days and recognize how few they are; help us to spend them as we should.”

Make this your prayer too!

Pastor Dale

Wednesday, April 11, 2018


How stubborn are you? Before you answer, think about the word for a moment. A stubborn person has a strong resistance to change. They’re set in their ways, fixed in their opinions, and unmoving in their judgments. They refuse to change their thoughts, habits, and behavior, even when they are restricting their process or damaging others. Stubborn people are stuck people. But unfortunately, they don’t usually even know it. Stubborn people are also sick people. They can’t function to their fullest capacity because of their refusal to change.

Where there are certain biblical, moral, ethical and relational convictions that should be solidly fixed and uncompromised in us, there are also things about us that need to change. The pages of the Bible are filled with calls to change, calls to let go of stubbornness and resistance and cooperate with God and others. There are sinful, destructive and dysfunctional things in all of us that need to change. Don’t let stubbornness rob you of the changes that will improve the content of your character and the quality of your life!

Pastor Dale

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Difficult People

Are there any difficult people in your life? The word “difficult” means “hard to deal with or manage; hard to understand.” (Merriam-Webster) This word describes people we sometimes have to deal with. Some folks are difficult. They are hard to understand; hard to handle, challenging to be around. They may be moody, manipulative, aggressive, blamers, shamers, haters or naysayers. Being around people like this potentially takes a toll on us. We need wisdom in our interactions with them.

A key to dealing with difficult people is to avoid the trap of reaction. Jesus taught us this principle. Look at what He said in Matthew 5:39 (GW) “But I tell you not to oppose an evil person. If someone slaps you on your right cheek, turn your other cheek to him as well.”

What did Jesus mean by this? He certainly wasn’t suggesting that we tolerate destructive behavior by others. He was giving us a lesson in self-control. He was reminding us of the power and importance of restraint. He was teaching us to respond well to others, especially when we’re tempted to react poorly to them.

When you’re around a difficult person, don’t let their attitudes and actions determine yours! Respond well, don’t react poorly.

Pastor Dale

Monday, April 9, 2018

Green Eyed Monster

Have you heard of the curse of the green-eyed monster? The term was introduced to the world by William Shakespeare in his tragedy Othello. It refers to the green-colored complexion that sometimes accompanies an illness. It’s commonly used to describe a sickness of the caused by envy or jealousy.

Jealousy truly is something that can and will make your soul sick. It’s that hostility and resentment you feel toward someone who seems to have an advantage, privilege or perks you don’t have. It’s the feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when someone gets something good you felt you deserved. It the threat we experience when someone close to us advances or succeeds beyond us. These situations expose our deepest fears and insecurities. It reveals our distrust of others, and sometimes our distrust of God.

What does the Bible say about jealousy? Proverbs 14:30 (NLT) states, “ … jealousy is like cancer in the bones.” Proverbs 27:4 (TLB) reminds us that “Jealousy is more dangerous and cruel than anger.”

What is the solution to jealousy? Security and trust! Remember, no matter what advantages others may seem to have over you, or good things that may come to people around you, you are loved by God. He cares about you. Be confident that He’s got good things for you too!

Pastor Dale

Friday, March 30, 2018

Power in the Blood

This week we’re preparing ourselves for the remembrance of Good Friday and the Celebration of Easter Sunday. With this in mind, we will turn our attention to a very important part of the story of Jesus, His sacrificial death on the Cross.

Jesus’ death was the fulfillment of the Old Testament event called the Passover. As God was getting ready to release His people from Egyptian slavery, He executed a final plague against the Egyptians. It was the death of the firstborns. In Exodus 12:1-13 we see God’s instructions to the Israelites. On the night the death angel was to pass through the land of Egypt, God’s people were told to take the blood of a sacrificed lamb and paint in on the doorframe of their houses. The promise was clear. God said, “When I see the blood, I will passover over you, and the death angel will not touch you.”

The blood of the lamb had power! Jesus came as our Passover Lamb, and His blood has power today. It has the power to free us from guilt, shame, and condemnation.

Pastor Dale

Thursday, March 29, 2018

You are Different

This week we’re preparing ourselves for the remembrance of Good Friday and the Celebration of Easter Sunday. With this in mind, we will turn our attention to a very important part of the story of Jesus, His sacrificial death on the Cross.

Jesus’ death was the fulfillment of the Old Testament event called the Passover. As God was getting ready to release His people from Egyptian slavery, He executed a final plague against the Egyptians. It was the death of the firstborns. In Exodus 12:1-13 we see God’s instructions to the Israelites. On the night the death angel was to pass through the land of Egypt, God’s people were told to take the blood of a sacrificed lamb and paint in on the doorframe of their houses. The promise was clear. God said, “When I see the blood, I will passover over you, and the death angel will not touch you.”

The blood of the lamb had power! Jesus came as our Passover Lamb, and His blood has power today. It marks us different from the world. When the blood was placed on the doorposts of the Hebrew homes, their homes looked different than the Egyptian homes. Their homes were marked by the blood. Is your life, your home marked by the blood?

Pastor Dale

Wednesday, March 28, 2018


This week we’re preparing ourselves for the remembrance of Good Friday and the Celebration of Easter Sunday. With this in mind, we will turn our attention to a very important part of the story of Jesus, His sacrificial death on the Cross.

Jesus’ death was the fulfillment of the Old Testament event called the Passover. As God was getting ready to release His people from Egyptian slavery, He executed a final plague against the Egyptians. It was the death of the firstborns. In Exodus 12:1-13 we see God’s instructions to the Israelites. On the night the death angel was to pass through the land of Egypt, God’s people were told to take the blood of a sacrificed lamb and paint in on the doorframe of their houses. The promise was clear. God said, “When I see the blood, I will passover over you, and the death angel will not touch you.”

The blood of the lamb had power! Jesus came as our Passover Lamb, and His blood has power today. It provides us the power of deliverance. When we put our faith in Jesus Christ, the power of His blood delivers us from our slavery to sin. Through Jesus’ blood we have the power to walk out of our bondages into freedom!

Pastor Dale

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

New Future

This week we’re preparing ourselves for the remembrance of Good Friday and the Celebration of Easter Sunday. With this in mind, we will turn our attention to a very important part of the story of Jesus, His sacrificial death on the Cross.

Jesus’ death was the fulfillment of the Old Testament event called the Passover. As God was getting ready to release His people from Egyptian slavery, He executed a final plague against the Egyptians. It was the death of the firstborns. In Exodus 12:1-13 we see God’s instructions to the Israelites. On the night the death angel was to pass through the land of Egypt, God’s people were told to take the blood of a sacrificed lamb and paint in on the doorframe of their houses. The promise was clear. God said, “When I see the blood, I will passover over you, and the death angel will not touch you.”

The blood of the lamb had power! The blood of Jesus has power. It provides us a new and better future. In the Old Testament, the Lord made the Passover the mark of a new beginning for His people. The same is true for us. Because of Jesus’ blood, we can have a new beginning!

Pastor Dale

Monday, March 26, 2018

You are Covered

This week we’re preparing ourselves for the remembrance of Good Friday and the Celebration of Easter Sunday. With this in mind, we will turn our attention to a very important part of the story of Jesus, His sacrificial death on the Cross.

Jesus’ death was the fulfillment of the Old Testament event called the Passover. As God was getting ready to release His people from Egyptian slavery, He executed a final plague against the Egyptians. It was the death of the firstborns. In Exodus 12:1-13 we see God’s instructions to the Israelites. On the night the death angel was to pass through the land of Egypt, God’s people were told to take the blood of a sacrificed lamb and paint in on the doorframe of their houses. The promise was clear. God said, “When I see the blood, I will passover over you, and the death angel will not touch you.”

The blood of the lamb had power! Jesus came as our Passover Lamb, and His blood has power today. It provides us the power of protection. When we put our faith in Jesus Christ, the power of His blood protects us from God’s righteous judgment for our sins. We are protected by the blood!

Pastor Dale

Friday, March 23, 2018


Every good car needs at least two things that work well — an engine and the brakes. If you’re missing either of these you’re in trouble. You’ll either never get going, or never know when and how to stop. There are lots of people who have strong engines but no brakes. They are missing a vital part of a healthy, successful life — self-control.

Self-control is the willingness and ability to put the brakes on your desires, your emotions, your drives, your urges, and your passions. It’s the willingness and ability to stop yourself short of an accident. It’s also the wisdom to know when to apply the pressure on yourself before you get into trouble. the Bible teaches us that self-control is an essential character trait for us to develop. It will save us from all kinds of problems.

Proverbs 16:32 (NLT) “Better to be patient than powerful; better to have self-control than to conquer a city.”

Pastor Dale

Thursday, March 22, 2018


Jeremiah 8:4 (NLT) Jeremiah, say to the people, “This is what the Lord says,: When people fall down, don’t they get up again? When they discover they’re on the wrong road, don’t they turn back?”

One of the realities of life is failure. You can’t go through life without experiencing it. It’s something that comes with living and growing. You didn’t learn to walk without falling. You didn’t learn to ride a bike without some skinned knees. You likely haven’t passed every test you were given in school, or successfully completed every project you were assigned. The fact is, we all fail. If we don’t learn how to handle failure the right way we’ll have a miserable, frustrated life.

Recovering from failure starts by remembering that failure is an event, it’s not a label. It’s something that happened to us, and not something that has to define us forever. When you fail you must shake off the shame, get rid of the guilt by owning the failure while receiving forgiveness. You must mine the gold of your mistakes and make the lessons a deposit in your wisdom account.

Pastor Dale

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Troubled Times

What kind of trouble are you experiencing in your life? We hear it all the time, “I’m having trouble on my job.” Or “I’m having trouble in my marriage.” Or “I’m having trouble with my kids.” Or “I’m having money problems.” Trouble comes in many forms. And it comes to everyone! What do we do with trouble when it shows up in our world? We need to remember some very important promises from God’s Word.

Psalm 46:1 “God is our refuge and strength, a tested help in times of trouble.” (TLB)

When troubles show up at our door, we need to know Who to turn to for help. the Bible reminds us that God is “a tested help in times of trouble.” That means that you’re not the first person in history to experience trouble. Many others have been where you are, and many of them discovered what you too can discover, God can be counted on to help troubled people facing troubled times. Run to Him today!

Pastor Dale

Tuesday, March 20, 2018


I often hear people say, “I wish I had more faith.” While I understand what they’re saying, the statement actually misses the point of how our faith increases. Faith is not something you get more of, it is actually like a muscle that gets stronger the more it is used. It grows by exercise. There really is only one way to get more faith, and that is to use the faith you already have, no matter how small it is. How do you use the faith you have? By daring to believe God’s Word, and proving that you believe it by obeying it.

When we obey God’s Word we’re using our faith. We are saying that we believe God’s way is the right and best way to live. Our obedience is proof of our faith. And the more you obey, the more your faith will grow. Don’t wait to get more faith, use the faith you have and watch it grow!

James 2:26 “As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds [actions] is dead.”

Pastor Dale

Monday, March 19, 2018

Another Level

Ephesians 4:23 “ … Let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes.”

We often hear people talking about taking something in their lives to another level. It might be a job, a skill, a habit, a relationship — but going to another level is something lots of folks want to do.

There is one thing that could take every part of your life to another level. That one thing is your attitude. An attitude is your mental orientation — your mindset about something — the way you think about yourself, God, other people and life. Even slight positive adjustments in our attitudes can make a huge difference for us. Just thinking more about the good you do have rather than what you don’t have quickly and radically changes the direction of your attitude and emotions. Small, positive attitude tweaks pay big dividends!

Pastor Dale