Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Stop Arguments
| 0:53 MIN READ |
This week we’re talking about a very important topic — our relationships. There is nothing that can cause more joy or pain in your life than your relationships. God cares about the quality of your relationships. The Bible is a relationship book. It not only teaches us about how to have a relationship with God, it also shows us how to relate to other people.
The greatest joy in a relationship is an atmosphere of peace. Peaceful relationships are a pleasure. But peace doesn’t just happen. It is something that we must purposefully seek and create. How? By stopping conflicts before they start. Look at Proverbs 17:4 (NLT) “Starting a quarrel is like opening a floodgate, so stop before a dispute breaks out.”
The best time to stop an argument is before you start it. Once it’s started, it takes a life of its own. What can you do to stop arguments before they get started?
Pastor Dale