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Be an Over-Looker

1:26 min read |

Are you an over-looker? defines “overlook” as a verb meaning “to fail to notice, perceive, or consider; to disregard or ignore indulgently.”

When it comes to relationships, we would do well to become good “over-lookers.” Relationships don’t work well when one or both people are highly critical, highly attentive fault-finders. They are more peaceful and productive when we learn to overlook the faults of one another.

This starts with a very important awareness and acknowledgment. Everyone has faults. Everyone has weaknesses. Everyone has limitations. No one is perfect. To get along with others, we have to give space for their faults. A critical spirit is never constructive. While there are moments when honest feedback helps us grow, continual reminders of weaknesses, faults and failures have the opposite effect.

Paul, the apostle, gave us these relationship instructions in Colossians 3:13 (NLT) “…Make allowance for each other’s faults…”

What does this mean? It means that we overlook the faults of another person that we could point out; that we could make an issue. We treat other people the way we want to be treated. We give people the grace we long for!

Are you an over-looker or a fault-finder? Do you have a critical spirit or a gracious spirit? To build good relationships over-look faults. Give people grace. You’ll be amazed at the difference this will make!

Pastor Dale