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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

En Construcción


Monday, February 8, 2010

Always Faithful

U.S. Marines are known for many things — bravery, endurance, esprit de corps — but they are perhaps best known for their motto “Semper Fidelis.” These two Latin terms sum up a mindset that is purposefully and intentionally taught to these men and women from boot camp forward.  It is also required of and exemplified […]

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


“I do!”  “I will!”  “I promise!”  What do these three statements have in common?  They are all declarations of commitment. What is a commitment? Commitment is the beginning point of action.   Good intentions become good actions when the ingredient called commitment is added. Commitment is essential for success in all kinds of things in […]

Monday, February 1, 2010

A Changed Mind

Have you every changed your mind or opinion about something or someone? All of us have made the mistake of jumping to wrong conclusions about people and situations.  Wrong conclusions lead to faulty thinking.  Faulty thinking leads to wrong attitudes and actions.  Wrong attitudes and actions lead to bad feelings.  All of this is corrected […]

Friday, January 29, 2010

Changing Destiny

Destiny is an important thing.  It speaks of the future.  It  is where we end up in life in terms of our character and contribution. Our choices determine our destiny.  Where we end up in life is simply a result of the roads we take.  The pathways we take not only determine our destiny, they […]

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Living In The Now

In working with people as a pastor for over 3 decades, I have discovered a number of similarities in human behavior.  One of these is our failure to grasp the power of the present.  All too often people live in anything but “the now.” There are a lot of folks who are stuck in the […]

Monday, January 25, 2010

Sow A Seed Today

What’s your occupation?  People usually respond to this question with a description of their work — what they do for a living.  While our business occupations are important to God, there is an occupation that should be foremost in the heart and mind of every Christian believer.  In whatever we do, God has called us […]

Friday, January 22, 2010

Protecting Your Turf

Everybody has “turf.”  Our “turf” is “our personal territory.”  Most folks are very protective of their “turf.”  Whether it be the personal territory of our inner thoughts and emotions, relationships or work responsibilities, hackles tend to rise quickly when other people step into areas of our lives when they are not invited, and where they […]

Monday, January 18, 2010

How To Be A People Helper

When someone is in pain or trouble the natural reaction is to call for help.  Help is the response of a helper to the cryl of someone in crisis.  It is the action someone takes to step in to an unfortunate and sometimes ugly situation to bring needed assistance, alleviate suffering, release resources and extend […]

Monday, January 11, 2010


Passion is an interesting and versatile word.  It is used to describe crimes committed in the heat and intensity of emotion — crimes of passion.  It is also used to describe our affection or strong feelings for anything from food to hobbies to strongly held personal opinions and beliefs.  We often hear people say “I’m […]

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


About 10 days ago, while lending a hand getting our facilities ready for our United Pastors Network gathering, I unfortunately fell from a ladder.  The result was a broken shoulder, a broken wrist, a broken thumb, a lacerated thumb and two badly bruised heels.  (Sorry to be so graphic, but I know a few of […]

Monday, April 27, 2009

Your Winter Is Over

One of the sure signs that winter is past and spring is present is the blossoming of trees.  The other day I noticed that several apple trees in our backyard finally got the message that the recent winter was history.  Overnight, and in one accord, all five of these trees burst forth with beautiful apple […]

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Soft Hearts

How soft is your heart? According to the English dictionary, “soft” is defined as “easy to mold; not hard or firm to the touch; having a pleasing quality; sympathetic or compassionate.” One of God’s goals for each of us is to tenderize our hearts: “Is there any encouragement from belonging to Christ? Any comfort from […]

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

New Seasons

One of the signs that summer is over and a different season has started is the sight of school buses on the roads and school children making their way to class again.  While there is a bit of sadness that comes with the close of vacation time, there is also a sense of excitement and […]

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

On the Grow!

                      Terry and I received some wonderful news last month.  We are expecting two more grandchildren!  Both Steve and Christi and Justin and Jessica are expecting babies sometime early in 2009. As you can imagine, we are all very excited.  We love our 2 grandchildren, […]