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Tuesday, August 21, 2018

The Power of Purity

| 1:21 min read |

I recently purchased a pair of white tennis shoes. While I enjoy them, I face the constant challenge of keeping them clean. It doesn’t take much to spot them and spoil their appearance.

Sin is like this. It spots and spoils us. It blemishes our life. It robs us of the “beauty” God created us to demonstrate to the world.

God hates sin. He hates it because of what it does to people. Think about cancer. If you’re like me, you hate cancer. Why? Because of what it does to people. Sin is like this. God hates it because of the horrible consequences it brings in lives.

One of the terrible consequences of sin is blindness and deception. When we open our lives to sin, we lose accuracy in our perceptions and judgments. Sin causes people to call right things wrong and wrong things right. It twists our thinking and causes us to make more bad choices.

The Bible warns us of the deceptive nature of sin; Deuteronomy 11:16 (NIV) “But be careful. Don’t let your heart be deceived so that you turn away from the Lord.”

When we find ourselves entertaining and practicing sinful behavior or attitudes, the best thing to do is get clean again. We do this by confessing our sins to the God who loves us, accepting His forgiveness, and choosing to live His way again. Remember, impurity robs you of power. Purity connects you to God’s power!

Pastor Dale

Monday, August 20, 2018

The Curse of Insecurity

| 1:07 min read |

Have you ever thought about the negative impact insecurity has on your life? At the root of insecurity is fear. Fear and insecurity make people do lots of foolish things.

The fear of rejection causes people to compromise moral values to be accepted by some person or group. The fear of change keeps people from growing, learning and expanding their lives. The fear of the future robs people of peace. Insecurity and fear cause us to make all kinds of bad decisions.

The opposite of fear is love. The Bible teaches us this. 1 John 4:18 (NIV) “… perfect love drives out fear …” When we truly know that God loves us and has good plans for us, we are set free from insecurity and fear. We are able to make better decisions. We are able to trust God’s care for us and trust the guidance God gives us. Love produces trust, and love and trust drive out insecurity and fear!

Are you secure in God’s love, or is insecurity controlling your life? Rest in the love God has for you. Trust the good plans God has designed for you. Let His perfect love drive out all insecurity and fear from your life!

Pastor Dale

Friday, August 17, 2018

The Fountain of Wisdom

| 1:04 min read |

Do you remember the name Ponce de Leon? He’s associated with a search for the fountain of youth. Supposedly, he located it near St. Augustine, Florida. Unfortunately, the existence of such a fountain is a myth.

Although there is no fountain of youth, there is another kind of fountain that is far more valuable. It’s the Fountain of Wisdom. And this Fountain is available to you.

The Fountain of Wisdom isn’t a place or thing, it’s a relationship! It’s found through a personal connection with God. Look at Proverbs 2:6 (TPT) “Wisdom is a gift from a generous God, and every word he speaks is full of revelation and becomes a fountain of understanding within

Think about this. Whenever you need wisdom for any situation, there is a Fountain from which you can freely get it. God is ready to provide you the wisdom you need for every part of your life. It comes from developing a personal relationship with Him and discovering the principles of wisdom He has given us in His Word.

Are you drinking from the Fountain of Wisdom? He’s available to you!

Pastor Dale

Thursday, August 16, 2018

How to Become Wise?

| 1:15 min read |

Bookstores are filled with “how to” books. A quick web search on “how to” articles or videos yields thousands of links. We all appreciate practical help when we are trying to do something new, or something we’re unfamiliar with.

The Bible teaches us what we need more than anything else. We need wisdom! Proverbs 4:7 (NLT) reminds us of this: “Getting wisdom is the wisest thing you can do! And whatever else you do, develop good judgment.”

If “getting wisdom is the wisest thing you can do,” how do we get it? At the risk of sounding simplistic, I believe the first step in getting wisdom is really wanting it! You need to be hungry for wisdom before you actually find it. Hunger for wisdom makes you teachable. It makes you humble. It puts you in the position of being a student rather than a teacher. It makes you a listener and a learner. Hunger transforms you into someone who is always seeking growth.

How hungry are you for wisdom? Are you a teachable person? Do you think of yourself as a student or a teacher?

The best teachers are students first! The greatest leaders are learners. To rise to the heights of wisdom you must go low in humility. When you grow a hungry, teachable heart, you’re on your way to wisdom!

Pastor Dale

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Filled Up

| 1:06 min read |

When you look at the fuel gauge on your car do you prefer seeing the needle at “Empty” or “Full?”

“Full” is always better!

What’s true for your automobile is true for your life. You operate best on a full tank. The fuller your tank, the further you can go in life.

Paul, the apostle, understood the importance of being “filled” with the right spiritual resources. Look at one of his prayers for the believers under his care, and for us too: Colossians 1:9 (NIV) “For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives …”

Paul prayed that we would be filled with the “knowledge of God’s will” through being filled with wisdom and understanding. He also reminded us that the Holy Spirit is available to fill us up with these resources.

As you begin each day, ask God to fill your spiritual tank with “the knowledge of his will.” Ask Him to fill you with wisdom and understanding, and trust that He will hear and answer you!

Pastor Dale

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

The Characteristic of Great People

| 1:06 min read |

Have you ever wondered what causes certain people to rise to greatness?
Greatness is not found in fame, fortune or possessions. Greatness is all about living your highest and best life—the life God called you to live.

The Bible describes one characteristic associated with great men and women. It is wisdom! Take a look at a few examples:

  • Joshua found greatness through wisdom: Deuteronomy 34:9 (NLT) “Now Joshua … was full of the spirit of wisdom …”
  • Solomon understood the importance of wisdom. It was the first thing He asked God to give him when he was appointed Israel’s third king: 2 Chronicles 1:10 (NIV) “Give me wisdom …”
  • The Old Testament story of Joseph reveals a man who walked in wisdom: Acts 7:10 (NLT) “… God also gave Joseph unusual wisdom …”
  • Daniel and his three friends were known for their wisdom: Daniel 1:17 (NLT) “God gave the four young men and unusual aptitude for … wisdom …”
  • Jesus, as a young boy living in the home of Joseph and Mary, grew in wisdom: Luke 2:52 (NLT) “Jesus grew in wisdom …”

When you grow in wisdom, you prepare your life for greatness!

Pastor Dale

Monday, August 13, 2018

The One Thing Guaranteed to Improve Your Life

| 1:15 min read |

Very few people are completely satisfied with their life. Most of us would like for something in our life to be better.

There is one thing that is guaranteed to improve the quality of our lives. When we make better decisions, we end up with a better life! The quality of your life will be determined by the quality of your decisions. When you improve your decisions, you improve your life.

When it comes to decision-making, especially making key decisions in life, the Bible divides people into two groups—wise people and foolish people. Foolishness always produces problems and pain, and wisdom always produces good fruit. Wisdom doesn’t necessarily always make your life problem-free, but it does make it productive and fulfilling.

This is why the Bible exalts the positive power of wisdom. Proverbs 3:13 (NLT) reminds us of the benefits of wisdom, “Joyful is the person who finds wisdom, the one who gains understanding.”

We are told that pursuing wisdom is the most important thing we can do. Proverbs 4:7 (NLT) challenges us to go after it; “Getting wisdom is the wisest thing you can do! And whatever else you do, develop good judgment.”

To make your life better, make wiser decisions. Ask God and He will help you!

Pastor Dale

Friday, August 10, 2018

Find Your Joy in the Lord

| 2:27 min video |

Pastor Dale

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Practice Quiet Times

| 2:03 min video |

Pastor Dale

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Clean on the Inside

| 1:49 min video |

Pastor Dale

Monday, August 6, 2018

Untying the Knots of Life

| 2:25 min video |

Pastor Dale

Friday, August 3, 2018

Who is Your God?

| 2:46 min video |

Pastor Dale

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Successful Spiritual Journey

| 2:50 min video |

Pastor Dale

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

God is Available

| 3:22 min video |

Pastor Dale

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Knowing Your Creator

| 1:37 min video |

Pastor Dale