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Restoring A Hopeless Heart

| 1:19 MIN READ |

To live life well, you need something deep inside your soul called hope. Hope is the confidence and internal assurance that good is on the way. It’s the expectation that positive change isn’t only possible, it’s inevitable. It’s just a matter of time.

The Bible describes what happens to us when we lose hope. Look at these words in Proverbs 13:12 (NLT) “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life.”

When the things we hope for are delayed, the Bible says that our hearts can become “sick.” The Hebrew word means “ill, weak, faint and diseased.” It implies a condition that robs a person of vitality. When hope runs low, we become discouraged about our future. Hopelessness in the soul feeds on itself and breeds more of the same.

What’s the cure for hopelessness? Renewed confidence in God’s love and care! Look at Isaiah 40:31 (NIV) “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

Hope increases as our trust in God grows.

Do you need more hope today? Believe that God loves you, He has a good future planned for you. There is a purpose for your life. He is with you. He hears you. He will help you. Let your hope rise. God is for you, not against you!

Pastor Dale