Wednesday, June 13, 2018
How To Pray When Nothing Seems To Be Changing
| 1:49 min read |
A Beginner’s Guide to Prayer: How To Pray When Nothing Seems To Be Changing
Have you ever prayed for something, and nothing seemed to happen? Sometimes it seems that God isn’t listening to us, or answering our prayers. In these moments it’s easy to lose faith and hope and give up on prayer.
Jesus addressed this temptation in Luke 18:1 (NIV) “Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.” Jesus taught us that prayer often is a long-term, intense process. But it’s always better to keep praying than it is to quit praying!
Persistence in prayer always pays off. As we keep on praying, things change in us, and things change around us. Although the changes may be imperceptible at times, they are still happening.
George Muller was a Christian evangelist who lived in the 1800’s. He was a great man of prayer and faith. He founded the Ashley Down Orphanage in Bristol, England. Over his lifetime he took care of 10,000+ orphans. The daily supplies of food and clothing for the children came through his faithful, persistent prayers.
Muller’s persistence in prayer is seen in his prayers for the salvation of 5 men he was acquainted with. He put them on his prayer list and prayed for them daily. After a number of months, the first one came to faith in Christ. A decade later 2 more made the decision to turn their lives over to Jesus Christ. After another 15 years of prayer (25 years in total), the fourth man came to faith. He continued to pray for the fifth man for a total of 52 years. This man accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior a few months after Muller’s death. That’s persistence in prayer!
Don’t quit praying. Only time and eternity will tell the difference it will make in you, and in the people and circumstances you’re praying for.
Pastor Dale