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How To Pray For Others

| 1:37 min read |

A Beginner’s Guide to Prayer: How To Pray For Others

Every week people ask me to pray for them. Sometimes these requests for prayer are very specific. They might be a health or financial situation a person is dealing with. It could be a challenge at work, or a difficulty in a relationship that is causing stress or that needs resolution or reconciliation. I’m sure you’re asked to pray for people too.

How do you handle the prayer requests of others? Here are a few things that help me when someone asks for prayer:

● If possible, pray with them when the request is made. Take time, that moment, to pray instead of promising to pray later. There’s no better time than that moment.

● If you promise to pray for someone, make a note of it and follow through.

● When praying for someone, put yourself in their situation emotionally. This is called empathy. It will allow you to pray with greater care and passion.

● When promising to pray for someone, give them hope. Let them know that you are believing with them for answers and help from God.

● When praying with and for someone, pray the promises of God over them. Help lift their faith and confidence.

● Ask the Lord to remind you of them so that you can continue to pray for them as He leads.

● Be confident that God hears and answers.

One of the best ways you can help someone is by praying for them. Prayer really does something powerful and positive. It invites the resources of heaven into the darkest places of a person’s life. Be a person who exercises the ministry of praying for others. You’ll be blessed as you do.

Pastor Dale