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How To Pray Jesus’ Way

| 1:57 min read |

A Beginner’s Guide To Prayer: How To Pray Jesus’ Way

A few years ago, I decided to develop a new hobby. I wanted something that gave me the opportunity for creativity and relaxation. I chose photography.

Knowing nothing about this art, and not even owning a camera other than the one on my phone, I needed training—basic training. I needed a “beginner’s guide.” After purchasing a basic camera, I also found some resources that helped me understand the principles of photography and how to begin practicing it. It was great to study these beginner’s guides. They removed the intimidation factor and got me started taking pictures.

When it comes to certain spiritual practices, it’s easy to be intimidated. Sometimes we need a beginner’s guide that simplifies the process for us and helps us get started doing what we really want to do but don’t quite know how.

This is true with prayer. Many people don’t have a consistent prayer life because they don’t quite know how to have one. Jesus’ disciples needed a beginner’s guide to prayer. In fact, they asked Jesus to help them know how to do it. Look at their request in Luke 11:1 (NIV) “One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, ‘Lord, teach us to pray…’”

Jesus responded to this disciple’s request by giving us what we refer to as The Lord’s Prayer. The Lord’s Prayer is more than a prayer that is to be recited. It is actually Jesus’ beginner’s guide to prayer. When you study The Lord’s Prayer you find at least 5 things that will make your prayer life powerful—5 things that you can include in your prayers every day. They include praising God, surrendering your life and circumstances to God, talking to God about your needs, talking to God about your relationships, and seeking God’s guidance and protection.

These simple parts of prayer will get you going and growing in a meaningful, personal prayer life.

Pastor Dale