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No More Negative

When was the last time you were around a sour, negative, bitter, naysayer? What effect did it have on you? Most likely you started looking for an escape.

There’s something about being around someone with a negative spirit that repels rather than attracts. If we hang around this poisonous atmosphere long enough it contaminates us. It’s contagious. It pollutes our mind, downgrades our attitudes and produces conversations permeated with gossip, strife, murmuring and complaining. There’s nothing beautiful about being negative.

Recently I was in a somewhat confined public place where a number of people had congregated. I found myself next to someone who was in an animated conversation on her phone. I couldn’t help but hear portions of her conversation because of the volume of her voice. This lady could likely win a “gossip of the year” award. She railed on and on about this and that person; their faults, their mistakes and all the things she didn’t appreciate about them. It was ugly, and quite honestly, very sad to me. The words of this woman told me much more about her character than it did about anyone she felt the need to trash. It reminded me of something I never want to be — a negative person.

One of the wisest decisions you’ll ever make in life is to choose to be a positive person. Positive people create environments that give life, love, encouragement, strength and blessing. They understand the value of being respectful and honorable in thought and word. They reject petty gossip and stay away from snide remarks. They refuse to traffic in hateful attitudes, spiteful speculations and disgraceful discussions. They have learned the value of keeping a sweet, positive spirit.

Here’s a good reminder about this call to live positively:

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. — Ephesians 4:29, 30 (NIV)

Make the decision to go positive!

Pastor Dale