| 1:29 min read |
How do you handle disagreements with others? Even the most compatible people sometimes differ. People have different personalities, different values, different opinions and different perspectives that can cause conflict. To have great relationships we must know how to deal with differences.
Sometimes our differences become conflicts. We find ourselves at odds with someone. Voices are raised. Harsh words are spoken. People are hurt. Distance is created. Emotional walls are built. Our friends become enemies.
How can you resolve these conflicts? Here’s a couple of great Bible verses that direct us in dealing with relationship difficulties:
Romans 12:18 (TLB) “Don’t quarrel with anyone. Be at peace with everyone, just as much as possible.”
Romans 14:19 (TPT) “So then, make it your top priority to live a life of peace with harmony in your relationships, eagerly seeking to strengthen and encourage one another.”
Conflicts are resolved when we place a high value and high priority on peace. When peace is a priority, it is pursued. Relationships improve when two people stop attacking one another and attack the problems that are hindering their friendship. Peace comes when people view themselves as members of the same team, rather than opponents. This change in perspective creates an entirely different attitude and approach to our differences.
Turn your enemies into friends again by attacking problems instead of attacking each other.
Pastor Dale