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The Characteristic of Great People

| 1:06 min read |

Have you ever wondered what causes certain people to rise to greatness?
Greatness is not found in fame, fortune or possessions. Greatness is all about living your highest and best life—the life God called you to live.

The Bible describes one characteristic associated with great men and women. It is wisdom! Take a look at a few examples:

  • Joshua found greatness through wisdom: Deuteronomy 34:9 (NLT) “Now Joshua … was full of the spirit of wisdom …”
  • Solomon understood the importance of wisdom. It was the first thing He asked God to give him when he was appointed Israel’s third king: 2 Chronicles 1:10 (NIV) “Give me wisdom …”
  • The Old Testament story of Joseph reveals a man who walked in wisdom: Acts 7:10 (NLT) “… God also gave Joseph unusual wisdom …”
  • Daniel and his three friends were known for their wisdom: Daniel 1:17 (NLT) “God gave the four young men and unusual aptitude for … wisdom …”
  • Jesus, as a young boy living in the home of Joseph and Mary, grew in wisdom: Luke 2:52 (NLT) “Jesus grew in wisdom …”

When you grow in wisdom, you prepare your life for greatness!

Pastor Dale