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The Difference a Day Makes

| 1:07 MIN READ |

A single day can change life as we know it. We all can look back on key days when something significant occurred. Life changed.

It was true for the Old Testament prophet Isaiah. He described what happened to him one day, and the year it happened in Isaiah 6:1 (NIV) “In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord …”

King Uzziah was one of the relatively good kings of Judah. He did lots of positive things for this tiny nation. The day he died was a sad day for the country. Although it was also a sad day for Isaiah, it turned out to be one of the best days of his life. Why? Because Isaiah’s focus shifted from thinking about, and likely serving an earthly king to serving a Heavenly King. In one day, in one encounter with God, everything changed in Isaiah’s life. When his vision turned from earth to heaven, he found new meaning and a new calling for his life.

The best way to change life for the better is to change your life focus. In one day, and with one decision—the decision to look from earth to heaven—your life can and will shift trajectories. This day will become one of the best days of your life!

Pastor Dale