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The Myth of Experience Education

| 1:31 MIN READ |

How many times have you heard, “Experience is a great teacher?” We often talk about learning by experience. I have noticed in my life, and the lives of others, that no one learns by experience. Alone, experience teaches you nothing. It’s not experience that teaches you; it’s examined experience that leads to wisdom.

Only when you reflect on your experiences will you learn anything of value. I have known people who have been at their job for 20 or 30 years, claiming 20 or 30 years of job experience. In reality, all they have is one year of experience 20 or 30 times! They’ve never actually grown, learned, or developed over time.

Part of being a good student is being a learner. You can expose people to the highest knowledge and wisdom in the world, but without the desire and discipline of learning, they come away ignorant. One of the best things that could ever be said of you is, “He or she is a learner!” Learners examine their experiences for meaningful life lessons.

Solomon, the wise and Spirit-Inspired writer of much of the Old Testament book of Proverbs has a lot to say about learning. Look at his words recorded in Proverbs 19:8 (TPT) “Do yourself a favor and love wisdom. Learn all you can, then watch your life flourish and prosper!”

What kind of life student are you? Are you a learner? Do you examine your experiences for essential lessons? Are you asking God for wisdom and applying yourself to get it? As you do, you’re on the way to the wisdom that will cause your life to flourish!

Pastor Dale