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The One Thing That Changes Everything

| 1:51 MIN READ |

Here’s a profound statement for you. You see what you look at and what you look for! Now that you are deeply impressed with my astounding observation, what’s the point?

The lesson is, your life is limited or enlarged by your vision. If all you see are problems, difficulties, and impossibilities, you’ll have a miserable life and accomplish little. You will live your life defensively, fearfully, and in reaction mode.

On the other hand, if you see life from an entirely different perspective—a positive, faith-filled perspective—you’ll live an inspired, forward-moving, giant-battling life.

Ask the Bible character, David. When he arrived on the battlefield where the Israelites were experiencing intimidation by the giant Goliath, all he heard was negativity. He found himself surrounded by massive fear. All the Israelite soldiers could talk about was Goliath. Why? Because all they were looking at was Goliath!

David had a different vision. While the Israelites saw Goliath, David saw God! And because he saw God, he was ready to take on Goliath, “mano a mano!” He knew that God was far greater than Goliath!

Look at David’s words, 1 Samuel 17:45 (NIV) “David said to the Philistine, ‘You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.’”

The one thing that made the difference that day was David’s vision. David saw what others couldn’t see or refused to see. Faith-filled vision! It’s the one thing that changes everything!

What are you seeing? Is your vision filled with lots of Goliath’s? Do they loom over you, intimidating and threatening you and your future?

There’s one thing that changes everything. Change your vision? Look past your giants and see God. He gave victory to David, and He’ll do it for you too!

Pastor Dale