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Time To Take Off

Time To Take Off

Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. — Philippians 3:12 (NIV)

If you’ve traveled much, you’ve likely experienced a few airline delays or flight cancellations. It’s especially disappointing when you’ve boarded your flight, and your plane has made its way onto the tarmac, only to return to the gate where you’re asked to deplane. When you’re hoping to go somewhere, if you’re like me, you want to go! Airports aren’t great hangout places.

Sadly, when it comes to personal goals, many people spend much of their lives at the proverbial “airport.” They want to go somewhere with their lives but never make it off the ground. Their goals never become a reality.

It’s important to remember a few things when it comes to accomplishing life goals:

  • Desires are only the beginning point for accomplishing a life dream or goal. Desires are good, but they’re not uncommon. Practically everyone has a desire for their life to be better. While a desire to grow, change, or improve some part of your life is admirable, it’s not sufficient. It’s only the starting point.
  • Life goals need to be filtered through God’s Word and prayer. What we want for our lives isn’t always what God has planned for us. We must be willing to submit our plans to God for His guidance. Actually, it’s better to start the process by asking God to show us His plans for our lives.
  • Once we sense God’s guidance, we need to engage our hearts and minds in practical planning.
  • For a desire to become a reality, it must become a clear plan. Too often, our life goals are foggy and ambiguous. We can’t clearly state them. For example, simply saying, “I want my life to be better,” will never make it better. The real questions are, “How do I want my life to be better?” Or “What do I need to do to make my life better?”
  • Plans are far more likely to become actions when they are written down. Put your goals and plans on paper. Make clear what you will change, do, become, pursue, or seek to accomplish based on God’s guidance and help. Describe your action steps in writing. Make sure your action steps are simple, doable, and consistent with your goals.
  • Get started. Do something. Take the steps. Even if you have to start small—START MOVING FORWARD TOWARD YOUR GOALS! Remember, the greatest amount of energy is required at the beginning of any pursuit. Impetus is always harder to get going than momentum. But momentum will soon kick in if you invest in the impetus.
  • Celebrate little victories. Make sure your joy isn’t tied to one big goal “at the end.” Mark and appreciate your progress along the way.
  • Stay with it! Long action in the same direction creates progress. No one reaches a goal without perseverance and persistence. Remember, if it were easy, everyone would be doing it. By sticking with your goals, you’re showing you’re different!

Don’t spend your life at the proverbial “airport” of life. Get onboard with God’s goals for your life and go. It’s time to take off!

Pastor Dale