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Wait Training

| 1:18 MIN READ |

Maybe you’ve heard the common prayer of an impatient man, “Lord, please give me patience, and give it to me now!” Sound familiar? There’s no doubt that it’s rare a person who doesn’t struggle with impatience. Every day patience is tested in some way. It might be on the freeway, in the grocery store, with a co-worker, dealing with your spouse or children, or in some other way, but one thing’s for sure, patience is regularly tested.

Patience doesn’t come naturally. Impatience is our default mode. We all set internal expectations of how life should go, and at what speed life should happen, and God forbid should anything, or anyone get in the way!

Impatience has some ugly consequences. It creates stress in us and others. It leads to bad feelings and decisions. It damages friendships, destroys marriages and creates tense work environments and relationships.

As followers of Jesus, impatience is something God helps us conquer. Patience is something God helps us develop. The apostle Paul gave us this reminder in Colossians 3:12 (NLT) “Since God chose you to be the holy people He loves, you must clothe yourselves with … patience.”

How impatient are you? Ask God to help you change how you handle slow-moving circumstances and people. Decide to start some wait training!

Pastor Dale