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Who Are You?


Who Are You?

In my senior year of High School, one of my teachers gave us an interesting assignment. We were instructed to write an essay answering the following questions:

Who am I?
Why am I here? (What’s my life purpose?)

There may have been a few other questions we were to answer, but these stuck in my mind. I would love to read what I wrote those many years ago. I’m sure my reflections as an eighteen-year-old would be quite entertaining to review today.

This teacher understood something important. Identity matters! How we view ourselves and our life purpose makes a big difference.

Who are you? Why are you here on planet Earth?

We can’t truly answer these questions on our own. Why? Because identity and purpose aren’t self-defined. They are God-defined. God tells us who we are. He has determined a purpose for our lives.

When you understand your God-given identity and purpose, you live differently. For example, someone born into royalty enters life with a royal perspective. Knowing you are a prince or princess shapes and fashions how one thinks and what someone does with their life. It’s true for us also. Knowing who we are, changes us.

So who are you? What does God say about you?

As a follower of Jesus, here are a few things to remember about your identity.

You are a new creation.

You are God’s beloved child.

You are more than a conqueror.

You are an ambassador of Jesus Christ.

You are a witness of God’s gospel and grace.

You are a vessel of God’s love.

You are a friend of God.

You are a co-worker with God.

You are the temple of the Holy Spirit.

You are a gifted servant.

You are a part of Jesus’ body, His church.

You have an eternal inheritance.

Are you looking for an interesting and helpful devotional project? Take time to research what the Bible says about each of these statements. You’ll be amazed at what you’ll discover about your identity!

Knowing who you are in Christ—really knowing it—changes the way you think and live. It’s one of the keys to a transformed life!

This is part of what Paul the apostle referred to when he penned these Holy Spirit inspired words:

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. — Romans 12:2 (NLT)

Lift your head high with humble gratitude for who God has made you to be in Jesus. Think differently. Accept who you are in Christ, and you’ll live differently for the rest of your life!

Pastor Dale