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Alternate Route Available

| 1:20 READ TIME |

In today’s culture, to arrive somewhere you’ve never been before, you need to use a navigation system. Navigation systems, if functioning correctly, will guide us to the right place. But not only that, navigation systems have the capability to show us traffic spots so we can avoid them and take an alternative and more effective route.

In our life journey, there are many decisions that we need to make. For example, What job should l take? Who should l marry? Which church should l attend? Which school should l let my children attend? Taking the wrong turn in any of these areas can cause us many problems. God wants to guide us, and He has given us a heavenly navigation system to provide us direction to His intended destinations.

Two essential aspects of God’s navigation system for us are the Bible and the Holy Spirit. The Bible is God’s Word to us. The Bible gives us guidance for right living. The Holy Spirit takes the Word of God and makes it alive to us in the moments when we need to make decisions. He helps us apply the Bible to our lives. Psalms 119:98 (NLT) says, “Your commands make me wiser than my enemies, for they are my constant guide.”

For God’s navigation system to work in your life, you must choose to trust it and use it daily. Engage with God’s navigation system and navigate safely through life!

Pastor Dale