The first Bible verse I remember learning in Sunday school is a short version of Ephesians 4:32, “ … be ye kind one to another ….” It was easy to memorize, but as I’ve learned over the years, it’s a command that’s a lot harder to practice!
Merriam Webster’s Dictionary describes a kind person as “having or showing a gentle nature and a desire to help others; wanting and liking to do good things and to bring happiness to others; having a sympathetic, forbearing nature.”
Kindness is a very attractive trait! It’s all about giving help, support and assistance to someone in ways that lift burdens, help carry loads and ease stress. Kind people are continually looking for opportunities to step up and step in to relieve, elevate, inspire and encourage others. They work to make people around them bigger and better; stronger and more successful; happier and more hopeful. Kind people put a smile on your face, a spring in your step, and gratitude in your heart.
The God-kind of love is kind. Showing kindness is a way we show God’s love to others. Genuinely loving and kind people practice kindness consistently, even when others aren’t kind. It’s their “way of life.”
Becoming a kinder person requires some steps on your part. It starts with understanding the needs of people around you. It involves intentionally thinking about how you could really help and bless others. It calls for action — actually doing or saying something that positively changes someone’s attitude or circumstances. When you take these steps, you’re walking in God’s love!
Start practicing kindness today!