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Do You Believe in Comebacks?

| 1:32 READ TIME |

In life, all of us will encounter setbacks. Surely we recall times when our work, families, friendships, and finances were affected by delays and hindrances. It would be quite easy to become discouraged by the setbacks we encounter; however, it’s important to remember that in Jesus, every setback is a setup for a comeback!

In John 11:25, we find Jesus comforting Martha, who had encountered the terrible setback of losing her brother, Lazarus. Jesus tells her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.” (NIV). Jesus doesn’t just do resurrection—He is resurrection! In the same way, Jesus doesn’t just create comebacks—He is the comeback! Jesus is able to supernaturally transform your life, taking what the enemy meant for evil and turning it for good.

If you were to take a piece of cloth and submerge it in water, it would be impossible for the cloth to stay dry. The water would overwhelm the fabric—the nature of the water would distinctively change it. In the same way, when you and I are in Jesus—in relationship with and obedience to Him—His supernatural nature changes us, gives us the grace to experience divine comebacks!

Remember that Jesus loves you, and He knows exactly what you are experiencing at this moment in your life. Even though we will encounter setbacks, when we take these setbacks to Jesus, His supernatural nature transforms us, and sets us up for a divine comeback! Let’s decide today to believe that comebacks are possible through Jesus!

Pastor Dale