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Talk About Comeback!

| 1:25 MIN READ |

How are you responding to the current pandemic that is affecting the entire world? Certainly, many are experiencing high anxiety and fear. Others might feel lost, numbed by emotional pain, or even assaulted by doubts. Some perhaps feel dead on the inside, wondering if there’s anything to look forward to in life.

While the effects of COVID-19 are devastating, individually and for humanity at large, I want you to know today that our comeback is on the way. Jesus can bring back everything we have lost. Jesus loves turning around impossible circumstances. His specialty is comeback because He is comeback!

The same Jesus that brought Lazarus from the dead, the One who came out from the grave Himself by the power of God—the power of the Holy Spirit—can bring you back from your hopelessness. In Matthew 28:5-6 (NIV), we find Mary Magdalene and the other Mary going to the tomb of Jesus and encountering the angel who said to them, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.”

The events of the world may be frightening, but we need not set our eyes on the world but on the eternal, unshakeable hope we have in Christ. If you are carrying tremendous pain on the inside, pain that weighs you down and keeps you from your best functioning, turn your eyes to Jesus, He is the resurrection and the life! He is your comeback!

Pastor Dale