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How To Ask God To Meet Your Needs

| 1:38 min read |

A Beginner’s Guide to Prayer: How To Ask God To Meet Your Needs

All too often we complicate things in life. We make them harder than they really are.

This is true with prayer. Many people don’t have a consistent prayer life because they don’t really know how to have one. They are intimidated by it.

Jesus gave us a beginner’s guide to prayer. One of Jesus’ disciples asked Him to teach them about prayer. In response, Jesus gave us The Lord’s Prayer. The Lord’s Prayer is more than a prayer to be recited. It is actually a simple pattern of prayer that teaches us exactly how to pray in a way that gets results.

The part of prayer we’re most familiar with is the part where we ask God for certain things we want or need. Jesus included this in His teaching about prayer. Look at what He said about asking in Matthew 6:9-11 (NIV) “This, then, is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread…’”

Jesus encouraged us to ask for the things we need each day to do God’s will. It is that segment of our prayer time when we focus on the resources we need for the day to do what we need to do, and to do it well. I believe that “daily bread” is an intentional reference by Jesus to the Old Testament provision of manna for the Israelites as they traveled through the wilderness. Manna was the “daily bread” that kept God’s people strong, resourced and capable of their daily walk and work.

Take time in your prayer to specifically ask God for your “daily bread.” Although He knows what you need before you ask Him, He wants you to ask, and to expect Him to faithfully answer!

Pastor Dale