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How To Surrender To God In Prayer

| 1:42 min read |

A Beginner’s Guide to Prayer: How To Surrender To God In Prayer

All too often we complicate things in life. We make them harder than they really are.

This is true with prayer. Many people don’t have a consistent prayer life because they don’t really know how to have one. They are intimidated by it.

Jesus gave us a beginner’s guide to prayer. One of Jesus’ disciples asked Him to teach them about prayer. In response, Jesus gave us The Lord’s Prayer. The Lord’s Prayer is more than a prayer to be recited. It is actually a simple pattern of prayer that teaches us exactly how to pray in a way that gets results.

An important part of prayer is surrendering ourselves to God. Jesus taught us this. Look at His instructions in Matthew 6:9, 10 (NIV) “This, then, is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven… ’”

The prayer for the coming of God’s Kingdom is all about taking time in your prayer to invite God to have His will in your life, in your “earth,” the “world” around you and beyond you. It is a prayer of surrender. It is saying to God, “I trust You, and I want You to do what You want to do in me, in my circumstances, and in all things that are part of my life. Your will is more important to me than my will.”

Take 1 or 2 minutes in your daily prayer time opening yourself to God’s will and surrendering yourself to His wisdom and guidance. Let go of control and trust Him. As you do, listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit guiding you in any specific things you need to release to God. Surrendering to God’s will with trust in Him is the pathway to peace. It’s how you pray your way into God’s peace!

Pastor Dale