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Managing Your Anger – Part 1

| 1:28 min read |

Has anger ever gotten the best of you? The answer is likely, yes for most, if not all of us.

Anger is one of the most dangerous and destructive emotions we can experience. It produces bad actions, poor decisions, hurtful words, and broken relationships. The effects of a brief moment of anger can impact us for a lifetime.

How do we handle anger so that it doesn’t get the best of us? We need to see it coming! The best time to conquer anger is before it’s expressed!

Many times we’re blind-sided by anger. It sneaks up on us, unnoticed, and unacknowledged, and hijacks our emotions. Before we recognize what’s happening we’re heading down a pathway that causes problems and pain for us and others. We’ll never conquer anger until we are better able to detect its potential presence. We need to become proficient in sniffing out the presence of anger when it is sparked in our soul before it turns into a raging, destructive force.

The Bible warns us about the presence of anger. Look at what James, the apostle, said about it in James 1:19, 20 (NLT) “Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry. Human anger does not produce the righteousness God desires.”

Conquering anger happens best before it ignites and explodes. Becoming more aware of the signs that anger is creeping into your soul is something worth developing. What do the early signs of anger look like in your life?

Pastor Dale