“This is too hard, I quit!”
How many times have you heard these words? When was the last time you said them yourself?
Whether it’s a student having a tough time understanding some school subject, a worker struggling with an assigned project, two people battling misunderstanding in their friendship, or a husband and wife who find themselves repeatedly arguing over the same issues, when things are hard, the temptation to quit is very real. When the bar of difficulty is raised for us in any area of life, the natural tendency is to bail out. This is our “quitting quotient.” It’s the “I quit” point, when and where we are unwilling to keep going.
A part of inner growth and maturity is the increase of our tolerance for difficulty. Over time, the threshold of challenge that causes us to cry “uncle” should continue to rise. If we are growing spiritually, emotionally and relationally, what used to tempt us to quit in years past shouldn’t faze us now. We ought to be tougher, more determined, more patient and persistent today than we were yesterday. Our “quitting points” should be different.
God wants to help us raise our “quitting quotient.” This is one reason He allows us to go through trials and troubles. It’s one reason He puts us in situations that challenge us. Working through these things builds up internal muscles — character strength — in us.
When we keep going when it’s hard to do so, our personal weakness and intolerance for tough challenges is replaced with new levels of resolve, faith and commitment. We learn how to ignore the feelings that drive us to give up. We dig in and press through. We learn that persevering through the hard things transforms these things into stepping stones to greater things.
“Dear brothers and sisters, whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy. For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything.” — James 1:2-4
What level of pain currently causes you to quit? How tolerant are you when difficulties come your way? How do you handle things you perceive as hard or challenging?
On a “hard” scale of 1-10, do you throw in the towel at 2, 6, 8? What’s your number? How quickly do you get to your quitting point? (paraphrased from “Attitudes That Attract Success” by Wayne Cordeiro, p. 68.)
Don’t let your greatness for God be robbed by a low “quitting quotient!”
Pastor Dale