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Stop the Blame Game

| 2:09 MIN READ |

Emotional pain is something everyone experiences. No one goes through life without some rejections, betrayals and hurts that happen in relationships.

The natural response to these wounds is pay back. When a person hurts us, there’s a desire to give them “a taste of their own medicine.” Emotional hurt fuels anger. Anger turns to resentment and bitterness. Bitterness feeds grudges and a desire for revenge.

Many people live life focused on their pain and the resentment they feel toward those who caused it, or who they perceived caused it. Their minds and emotions want to get even. They want to settle the score.

Resentment and obsession with revenge are dangerous and destructive. It causes lots of problems in our lives. It stunts our spiritual, emotional, and relational growth. It keeps us looking back rather than forward. It becomes a weight on our soul that hinders the flow of God’s grace in and through us.

Take a look at several Bible passages that warn us of the danger of resentment and how to overcome it:

Hebrews 12:14- 15 (TLB) “Try to stay out of all quarrels, and seek to live a clean and holy life, for one who is not holy will not see the Lord. Look after each other so that not one of you will fail to find God’s best blessings. Watch out that no bitterness takes root among you, for as it springs up it causes deep trouble, hurting many in their spiritual lives.”

Romans 12:17-18 (TPT) “Never hold a grudge or try to get even, but plan your life around the noblest way to benefit others. Do your best to live as everybody’s friend.”

Ephesians 4:31-32 (TLB) “Stop being mean, bad-tempered, and angry. Quarreling, harsh words and dislike of others should have no place in your lives. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God has forgiven you because you belong to Christ.”

Here are the instructions — Don’t give resentment or bitterness any place in your life! Period!

How do we stop the blame game? Grace! Take the grace God has shown you, and show it to others. Grace-filled living changes everything! Let’s stop the blame game. Overcome the pain in your past by forgiveness!

Pastor Dale