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Time Out!

| 1:26 min read |

Practically, every sport gives coaches and players opportunities for timing out. At strategic moments in the competition, it’s sometimes wise to bring the play to a stop. When used the right way, timeouts can win games.

In life, God sometimes calls a timeout for us. He brings things to a halt and says, “wait.” As the supremely wise Coach, He knows when it’s best to put things on hold. He not only knows when timeouts are strategic, He knows how long they need to be to most positively impact us.

The problem with these “timeouts” is that we don’t usually appreciate them at the moment. When things aren’t happening according to our timetable, or not happening at all, we tend to blame the Coach instead of trusting the Coach. We think we’re more capable of calling the shots for our life than He is.

Great things happen when we learn to “wait patiently” during the timeouts of life. Look at the promise God gives to those who learn the value of waiting, recorded in Isaiah 40:31 (NKJV) “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”

Do you feel like your Heavenly Coach has called “timeout” in your life? Trust Him. He knows what He’s doing. The “game’s” not over. He’s doing something in you. You’re being renewed in strength to run for the next season He’s planned for you!

Pastor Dale