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Up and Running Again!

As many of you know, my blog has been inactive for the last month or so.  The reason for this involved some technical issues.  Our host site had some significant problems with their servers, and after attempting to get this resolved with them, we eventually had to move the blog to a new host.  This transition required some additional time delays.

But the good news is, we are back up and running again! We may still have a few technical issues to polish in this transition process, but it seems like everything is functional again.  Thanks for your patience.

I hope you will visit this site often and take advantage of the spiritual resources provided through it.  My goal is to regularly communicate devotional and inspirational reflections from Scripture that are timely, encouraging and useful to you.  I also try and keep you informed of special message series and events at Church of the Redeemer. It is a pleasure to provide these resources, and my sincere prayer is that you will find them helpful and beneficial.

If this blog is a blessing to you, I would ask you to consider a couple of things:

Subscribe to our email notification service.  This service will notify you through email when a new article has been posted on the site.  You can subscribe by clicking the “Newsletter” icon at the top right-hand section of the blog homepage or by clicking here.

Share articles from this blog that are meaningful to you with others.  You can do this by sharing links on Facebook, Twitter, or by simply emailing meaningful posts to people who might benefit from them.  We want this site to be a blessing to as many people as possible.

Again, I want to thank you for your patience as we have addressed our technical challenges.  I hope the articles posted here will continue to be a blessing in your life and in the lives of others you might share them with in the future!

Pastor Dale