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We Lack Nothing

| 1:16 MIN READ |

In the midst of everything happening in the world around us, we are all experiencing stress. King David, in the Old Testament, understood what it meant to experience stress.

In 2 Samuel 15:13-14, a messenger tells David that his son Absalom is leading a conspiracy with the people of Israel to take the kingdom away from him and that he should flee Jerusalem. Can you imagine the stress David began to experience when he received this news? In the midst of his stress, David decides to leave. 2 Samuel 15:30 describes David to be weeping and mourning as he travels away from Jerusalem. His very own son was trying to take the kingdom away from him and forced David to flee the city. David is in tremendous distress.

It’s in this stressful situation where David makes this declaration in Psalm 23:1 (NIV) “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.” Though David was experiencing severe stress in his life, he understood and declared that God was his shepherd and provider.

As we all walk through this unprecedented season of our lives, remember that the Lord is our Shepherd and our Provider. With the Lord as our Shepherd, we lack nothing. We can put our full confidence and trust in God. He gives us what we need as we walk with Him through this season.

Pastor Dale