Sometimes the small things we do make a big difference. This is certainly true in our interactions with others. The look on our face, the tone in our voice, the position of our body, all say far more than our words. Communication experts report that as much as 95% of our communication with others is non-verbal!
In today’s world of e-mails, text messages and social media we have created something called the emoticon. Because of the coldness of words alone we add a 🙂 or 🙁 or 👍🏼 or 😊 or 😂 to let people know our feelings. My youngest granddaughter, who is 3, recently sent me a text that was simply a string of happy emoticons. No words, just icons! But I got the message and replied to her with a string of the same! Her happy symbols made me happy! Something small made a big impact! I felt loved!
Loving others is about doing small things that communicate care, thoughtfulness, attention, warmth and interest. It’s about making small, but regular deposits in the “love tanks” of the people around us. It’s about showing honor.
The Bible says, “Love … doesn’t dishonor others … ” Other translations use the phrase “Love isn’t rude.” The best way to not dishonor someone is to proactively and intentionally honor them. The best way to avoid rudeness to others is to show respect to them. Replace the negative with a positive.
Start with the little things. Think about the small things you can begin doing that will help fill their “love tank.” Make regular deposit. It will bless them, and it will bless you too!
P.S. Don’t forget the emoticons! 😏