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Those who are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. Psalm 92:13 (NKJV)

“Flourish” is a powerful word.  It means “to break out, bud and blossom.”  God promises this kind of life to people who make a certain choice.  When you choose to get “planted in God’s house,” you set the conditions for a “flourishing life.”  When you decide to get serious about your relationship with God, and make a meaningful, solid commitment to a Bible-teaching, Jesus-worshiping, outreaching and community-serving church family, you are on the way to a blossoming life!  Go ahead, put down your spiritual roots and watch God work in and through you!

Pastor Dale

You’re invited to be part of our First Wednesday service tomorrow, May 6 at 7:15 PM at Gaithersburg and Frederick Campuses.  Don’t forget to send an Evite to your family and friends.