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How Humble Are You?

| 1:30 MIN READ |

Did you hear about the man who wrote the book “Humility and How I Achieved It”? Obviously, there’s no book with this title (as far as I know!). If there was, the name alone would negate its message! This is called a “humblebrag”, which isn’t actually humble!

Humility is an interesting quality. It’s unknown to oneself but apparent to others. Awareness of one’s humility is a contradiction. Humility isn’t something you’re proud of in yourself or a performance for others. It’s who you are, in your soul. It reveals itself in how you live and in the way you relate to others. It’s not something you put on, it’s a way of thinking about God, yourself and others. Pride and entitlement are the antitheses of humility.

The Old Testament character, David, demonstrated a life of humility. He also often described the benefits of it. Here are a few examples from his writings:

Psalms 18:27 (NIV) “You save the humble …”

Psalms 25:9 (NIV) “He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way.”

Psalms 147:6 (NIV) “The Lord sustains the humble …”

Psalms 149:4 (NIV) “For the Lord takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble with victory.”

Sounds like humility is an excellent quality to possess! It releases lots of blessings to people.

One of the best ways to develop humility is to recognize the characteristics of pride, and the signs of entitlement in your life. Acknowledging and repenting of these ugly traits opens the door to developing humility, and the benefits it brings!

Pastor Dale