What is your first reaction to the problems and pain of other people?
When we see or hear about difficulties in people’s lives we normally feel a bit of pity for them. For a moment or two, our hearts are touched with their trouble and pain. But sadly, all too often this is where our care stops.
As believers in Jesus Christ, we have the opportunity to step up our helping role in the lives of those who are going through tough times. And one of the ways we can help is though prayer.
We have an example of this in Paul’s life. After a horrible shipwreck, Paul and his traveling companions found themselves washed ashore on the island of Malta. The chief government official on the island took in and cared for the survivors.
While Paul was staying at this man’s home, recuperating from his own trauma at sea, Paul learned that the island official’s father was very sick. Paul’s response was more than pity or a brief moment of compassion. He did something:
” … Paul went in and prayed for him … ” — Acts 28:8
The Lord answered Paul’s prayer and the man was healed. As a result of this man’s healing, a great testimony of Christ was raised in that community. In the presence of human pain, Paul took advantage of the opportunity to minister in prayer. His prayers made a great impact in this man’s life and for the advance of the Kingdom of God.
The next time you are exposed to the problems and pain of other people, take a moment to pray. You may be able to pray with the person, or perhaps you can offer up personal prayer on their behalf. Don’t let these opportunities pass you by. Show your care though prayer!
Pastor Dale