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Monday, July 26, 2010

A Larger Life

Over the years I have discovered that most people share a common desire.  It is a longing for significance.  We want to believe that our life matters, that we are making a positive difference in the world, that we are truly fulfilling a purpose.  Yet at the core of most of us are feelings of […]

Thursday, July 22, 2010

¡Estamos activos nuevamente!

Como muchos de ustedes sabrán, mi blog ha estado inactivo por el último mes por razones técnicas. La compañía que nos presta el servicio ha estado teniendo problemas con sus servidores, y después de tratar de solucionarlos tuvimos que cambiar a un nuevo servidor.  Ésta transacción requirió atrasos adicionales. Pero las buenas noticias son que, […]

Thursday, July 22, 2010

An Exciting Weekend Planned!

We have a great weekend planned at Church of the Redeemer. We are excited that James Brown, host of “The NFL Today” and “Inside The NFL” will be sharing the message in all of our weekend services. While James is well known for his broadcasting talents, he has a deep love for God and a […]

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Up and Running Again!

As many of you know, my blog has been inactive for the last month or so.  The reason for this involved some technical issues.  Our host site had some significant problems with their servers, and after attempting to get this resolved with them, we eventually had to move the blog to a new host.  This […]

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Pray Anyway!

You are under attack!  Whether you realize it or not, a battle is raging against you everyday of your life.  There are forces seeking to take you down and take you out. I am talking about a spiritual battle.  In the invisible spiritual realm, an intense war is always on, and each of us as […]

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Nuevo Para Ti

Hay veces en que algunas cosas que se envejecieron y dejaron de estar actualizadas necesitan refrescarse y rejuvenecerse.  De seguro has visto edificios viejos o centros comerciales abandonados que son rejuvenecidos y restaurados de tal manera que se vean como nuevos.  A esto le llamamos “revitalización.” Una revitalización nos lleva a sentirnos llenos emoción, propósito […]

Monday, June 14, 2010

New For You

There are times when something that has grown old and outdated needs to be made new and fresh again.  You have likely seen old shopping areas or aging and abandoned downtown districts given a facelift that brings them back to life.  We call this “revitalization.” Revitalization leads to renewed excitement, usefulness and opportunities.  What was […]

Friday, June 11, 2010

¡No Desperdicies Tu Desierto!

A través de toda la Biblia encontramos referencias a lugares y experiencias de desierto.  Un “Desierto” es un concepto bíblico muy importante.  La palabra es traducida en la Biblia como un lugar “desolado” o “estéril.” Es imposible ser un Cristiano creyente que esté creciendo sin estar familiarizado con la idea de un lugar o experiencia […]

Friday, June 11, 2010

Don’t Waste Your Wilderness!

All through the Bible we find references to wilderness places and experiences. “Wilderness” is an important biblical concept.  The word is also translated in the Bible as “desert” or “barren place.” It is impossible to be a growing Christian believer without getting acquainted with the idea of wilderness/desert experiences.  There are many examples of people in […]

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

¿Limpio o Sucio?

“Esto, está limpio o sucio? Hacemos esta pregunta cuando tratamos de determinar la condición actual física o moral de algo.  Preguntamos esto con los platos en la cocina, una toalla en el baño, una broma que se le dirá a alguien, y una variedad de otras cosas. ¿Por qué estamos tan preocupados por la condición […]

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Clean or Dirty?

“Is this clean or dirty?” This question seeks to determine the current physical or moral condition of something.  We ask it about dishes in the kitchen, a towel in a bathroom, a joke someone is about to tell, and a variety of other things. Why are we so concerned about the cleanness of things?  Because […]

Monday, June 7, 2010

Weak and Weary?

There are times in life when we come face to face with our weakness. There are moments and seasons when weariness can wear us down to the point of deep exhaustion. In times like these, we need strength: Strength to keep going when we are spiritually, emotionally and physically tired. Strength to keep a good […]

Friday, June 4, 2010

¿Doblarse o Quebrarse?

¿Qué tan flexible eres? Ser “flexible” es ser capaz de estirarse, doblarse y cambiar sin romperse.  De acuerdo al diccionario, es “la habilidad de cambiar fácilmente para responder a circunstancias o condiciones diferentes; capaz y listo cambiar; dispuesto o dispuesta a ceder.” Lo opuesto de ser flexible es ser rígido, quebradizo, intransigente, inflexible, duro.  Una […]

Friday, June 4, 2010

Bend or Break?

How flexible are you? To be “flexible” is to be capable of stretching, bending and changing without breaking.  According to the dictionary, it is “the ability to be easily modified to respond to altered circumstances or conditions; ready and able to change; willing or disposed to yield.” The opposite of being flexible is to be […]

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Deshaciéndose de Los Ídolos

¿Tienes algunos ídolos en tu vida? A través de la Biblia, una de las cosas que consistentemente Dios advierte a Su pueblo es, y una de las cosas que más rápidamente trae juicio, es idolatría.  La idolatría del pueblo de Dios en el Antiguo Testamento resultó en mucho dolor y problemas para ellos, y eventualmente […]

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Getting Rid of Idols

Do you have any idols in your life? Throughout the Bible one of the things God consistently warned His people about, and one of the things that most quickly incited His judgment, was idolatry.  The idolatry of God’s people in the Old Testament resulted in great pain and heartache for them, and eventually led to […]