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See the Light

| 1:09 MIN READ |

About seven decades ago, a singer named Hank Willams, Sr. introduced a song which has been re-recorded and sung by many over the years. In 1948, “I Saw The Light” was released by Williams. The song lyrics describe a moment of spiritual insight and transformation. Here are a few of the words:

“I’ve wandered so aimless, life filled with sin
I wouldn’t let my dear Savior in
Then Jesus came like a stranger in the night
Praise the Lord, I saw the light.
I saw the light, I saw the light
No more darkness, no more night
Now I’m so happy, no sorrow in sight
Praise the Lord, I saw the light.
Just like a blind man I wandered alone
Worries and fear I claimed for my own
Then like a blind man who God gave back his sight
Praise the Lord, I saw the light.”

Throughout the pages of the Bible, God is described as light. Light is, obviously, the opposite of darkness. Light is not only what God gives to people; it is who He is!

Because God is light, when we spend time with Him, He sheds light on us. He helps us to see things that we otherwise couldn’t see. He reveals things to us about life, ourselves, and His plans. When you’re with Him, you’re able to “see the light!”

Pastor Dale

Weight Check

| 1:45 MIN READ |

Visit a doctor, and most likely, you’ll be required to step on one of those dreaded “doctor scales.” I am convinced the medical profession has conspired to produce these deceptive devices. There’s no way I weigh as much as these contraptions say I weigh!

What is weight? It’s your body mass. Technically, it’s the “gravitational force of attraction on an object …” (Encyclopedia Britannica) The more mass, the higher the weight. You likely didn’t need to be reminded of this!

When it comes to the Bible, the word “weight” is defined a bit differently. It’s associated with the concept of glory. The glory of something is how heavy or weighty something is. It represents how much power or influence something or someone possesses; how much capacity and ability a person has in their nature and character. This is why the word is used scripturally in connection with God. God is described as glorious—weighty!

Isaiah, the prophet, experienced the weight of the glory of God. Look at his encounter with God’s glory in Isaiah 6:1-3 (NIV) “In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord, high and exalted, seated on a throne; and the train of his robe filled the temple. Above him were seraphim…And they were calling to one another: ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.’”

When Isaiah saw God’s glory, it transformed him forever. He was impacted by the weight of who God was and is. He realized that nothing or no one compared with the weightiness of God. Nothing was beyond His power and ability to do. He was Supreme, Superior, Set Apart from anyone and anything else.

Today, open your eyes to the weightiness of God. When He “weighs in” to your life and situation, things always change for the better!

Pastor Dale

The Difference a Day Makes

| 1:07 MIN READ |

A single day can change life as we know it. We all can look back on key days when something significant occurred. Life changed.

It was true for the Old Testament prophet Isaiah. He described what happened to him one day, and the year it happened in Isaiah 6:1 (NIV) “In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord …”

King Uzziah was one of the relatively good kings of Judah. He did lots of positive things for this tiny nation. The day he died was a sad day for the country. Although it was also a sad day for Isaiah, it turned out to be one of the best days of his life. Why? Because Isaiah’s focus shifted from thinking about, and likely serving an earthly king to serving a Heavenly King. In one day, in one encounter with God, everything changed in Isaiah’s life. When his vision turned from earth to heaven, he found new meaning and a new calling for his life.

The best way to change life for the better is to change your life focus. In one day, and with one decision—the decision to look from earth to heaven—your life can and will shift trajectories. This day will become one of the best days of your life!

Pastor Dale

Permanent Celebrity Status

| 1:30 MIN READ |

Our world is preoccupied with celebrities. Pop culture elevates folks who have high profile achievements, significant wealth or envied popularity or status. People exalt them, celebrate them, and sadly make them their idols and life models.

People can appropriately be celebrated and appreciated for their accomplishments. Yet the reality is, there’s always someone on the heels of the rich and famous who will eventually push them out of culture’s spotlight, taking their place for the next season.

There is only One who never loses fame. There is only One who never loses honor. There is One, and only One who is eternally worthy of glory, praise, and worship. There is only One who has permanent celebrity status. The psalmist said it this way in Psalms 97:9 (NIV) “For you, Lord, are the Most High over all the earth; you are exalted far above all gods.” John, the apostle, described his vision of the worship in heaven with these words in Revelation 4:9-11(NIV) “Whenever the living creatures give glory, honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne and who lives for ever and ever, the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne and worship him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say: ‘You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.’”

Take time today to worship the only One who is worthy of your worship!

Pastor Dale

Tune In

| 1:24 MIN READ |

How do you find your favorite radio station? You tune in.

In past years, you tuned in to your desired station by carefully turning your radio dial. Often it was a tedious process. Getting the dial to precisely the right frequency was essential to receiving the clearest signal and best listening experience. If your dial was slightly off, you had to deal with lots of static and bleed-over from other stations. Thankfully, digital tuning has solved these issues!

Hearing God is more like analog tuning than digital. It requires some effort and careful attention. We have to “dial-in” to the Holy Spirit’s voice.

A young boy in the Bible learned this lesson. His name was Samuel. You can read about his experience learning to listen to God in 1 Samuel 3:1-10. God sought Samuel’s attention, but Samuel had to learn to listen for God’s voice.

God is always seeking our attention. He wants to talk to you. I don’t mean this in strange or weird ways. His voice is heard through His Word, and through reminders of His Word throughout the day. This means that we must get His Word inside us, so, in key life moments, the Holy Spirit can whisper God’s promises and instructions back to us.

Are you getting God’s Word in you? Are you listening for the voice of the Holy Spirit reminding you of God’s Word throughout the day? Let’s all learn to tune in to the frequency of heaven!

Pastor Dale

Windshield or Rearview Mirror?

| 1:34 MIN READ |

It’s often been said that people live their lives looking in one of two possible directions: some live life facing forward — looking through the big windshield of the present and future. Others are living life backward. They are driving their lives with their eyes focused on the rearview mirror — the past.

Living in the past will always keep you from your best life and future. Think of the consequences of trying to drive forward with your eyes focused backward. It’s an accident waiting to happen!

There’s a lady in the Bible who paid a high price for a backward focused vision. She’s known as “Lot’s wife.” When God told Lot and his family to leave Sodom and Gomorrah because of the coming judgment against these cities, He specifically told them to head out of town and never to look back. God was reminding them to leave behind the past and move toward their future.

Sadly, Lot’s wife disobeyed these instructions. We’re told what happened as a result in Genesis 19:26 (NIV) “But Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.” Many years later, Jesus used this event to remind us of the importance of forward vision. Look at three simple words spoken by our Savior in Luke 17:32 (NIV) “Remember Lot’s wife!” Looking back hinders us. People pay a high price for living a life focused on the past!

What about you? Does your focus need to change? Are you preoccupied with the pain of your past, the mistakes of your past, or perhaps the glory of your past? Shift your focus forward to the present and future. You’ll discover God there!

Pastor Dale

Response Requested

| 1:19 MIN READ |

When was the last time you reached out to someone and didn’t receive a response? It happens quite frequently in today’s world. A text, a post, an email, or a call is ignored or responded to superficially. Depending upon the relationship, this can hurt feelings. It’s done to us, and it’s done by us.

There’s a spiritual application of this too. The truth is, God is always reaching out to us. Daily, God tries to get our attention. He uses people, circumstances, life events to call to us. Sadly, we often fail to respond. When we fail to respond, it hurts God’s heart, and we miss many blessings.

There are many examples of this in the Bible. Let’s look at one found in Matthew 9:9 (NIV) “As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector’s booth. ‘Follow me,’ he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him.”

Matthew was a tax collector in Jesus’ day. One day, Jesus passed by his toll booth, and simply said to Matthew, “Follow me!” Matthew faced a decision. What would he do with Jesus’ invitation? Would he respond, and how would he respond.

Without hesitation, Matthew hopped up and began his life journey with Jesus. His response to Jesus’ request changed everything in his life.

Look and listen today for Jesus’ call to you. When he calls, respond to Him. Your life will be better for it!

Pastor Dale

A New View

| 1:10 MIN READ |

Often the greatest change we need in life is a change of perspective. When we see things in a different light, with a new set of eyes, life often improves dramatically.

In the Bible, we find a man named Saul of Tarsus. When we’re first introduced to him he’s a Christ hater. He persecuted Christians with intense zeal. He was determined to stop this Jesus movement, stamping out its message of the Messiah.

Then something incredible happened. One day, as he was on the way to arrest Christians into Damascus, Syria, everything changed. The Bible describes this moment in Acts 9:3-5 (NIV) “As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, ‘Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?’ ‘Who are you, Lord?’ Saul asked. ‘I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,’ he replied.”

Although physically blinded by this encounter with Jesus, Saul’s spiritual eyes were opened. He had a new view! It changed everything about his life and his future!

Is it possible that you need a new view of something in your life? Ask God to help you see from His perspective. His view is always the best view!

Pastor Dale

Vision or Sight

| 1:23 MIN READ |

Helen Keller, an American writer and teacher who happened to be both deaf and blind, made this powerful statement, “The only thing worse than being blind is having sight, but no vision.”

There are many people with perfect eyesight, but very little spiritual insight. They lack vision of God, His Word, His will, and His work in their lives.

During Jesus’ day, there was a group of people who were well-schooled in theology. They knew God’s laws and rules, but they had no vision of Him in their hearts. Jesus had some tough things to say to them. Look at two examples of Jesus’ words about them:

Matthew 13:13-15 (NIV) “… Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand … they have closed their eyes …”

Matthew 15:14 (NIV) “… they are blind guides …”

On the other hand, Jesus commended those who had spiritual insight. In Matthew 13:16 (NIV), we find these words of the Savior to His followers, “But blessed are your eyes because they see …”

Many blessings in life are linked to the level of our spiritual vision. People with good spiritual vision see and believe in God’s love, God’s promises, God’s grace, God’s truth, and God’s power. They are more influenced by what they see in the unseen world of God’s Kingdom than by what they see in the seen world around them. Their gaze is heavenward!

What about you? How’s your spiritual vision?

Pastor Dale

Time for Reflection

| 1:22 MIN READ |

One of the valuable activities of life is self-reflection. While some people are better at it than others, we all need regular quiet times to think about the influences in our lives, the choices we’re making, and the better ones we need to make.

Healthy reflection involves asking yourself penetrating questions and answering them honestly. More importantly, it involves inviting God to search your heart and show you important things about yourself and your spiritual condition. The goal of reflection is insight into the activities, motivations, and state of your soul. The purpose of the insight is improvement, growth, and genuine transformation of life.

David, the psalm-writer, revealed to us some of his prayers of reflection. In Psalm 19:14 (NIV), he recorded this prayer we would do well to consider and pray in times of reflection, “Let these words of my mouth, and this meditation of my heart, be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock, and my Redeemer.” Then in Psalm 139:23, 24 (NIV), we find another prayer inviting God’s help and insight in David’s time of personal reflection, “Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”

Have you had a reflection time recently? If not, schedule it and do it. It’s a powerful reboot for your spiritual life.

Pastor Dale

A Flourishing Life

| 1:35 MIN READ |

Some words perfectly describe the kind of life we all long for. One such word is “flourish.” To “flourish is, “to grow luxuriantly; to achieve success; to reach a height of development or influence.” (Merriam-Webster) The origins of the word are associated with flowers. A flower at its peak of health and blossom is said to be “flourishing.”

God wants you to flourish also. He made you to bloom—to reach the peak of your potential. Just as a flower only flourishes when certain conditions are met, we only flourish when the right conditions are in place.

The Bible describes many things critical to a flourishing life. One is described in Proverbs 29:18 (KJV) “Where there is no vision, the people perish…”

While this verse emphasizes the missing ingredient to a flourishing life, we learn about the element that’s necessary for this. It’s vision! Specifically, it’s spiritual vision. Without it, we will perish.

Spiritual vision includes seeing and obeying the commands of God, the principles of God, and the promises of God. It involves insight into God’s purposes and plans in your life, and a decision to pursue them. Doing so causes us to flourish.

Is your life perishing or flourishing? If it’s the former rather than the latter, it’s time for a change—a change in your vision. Who and what are you looking at and looking to for direction? What’s driving your life? If it’s anyone or anything other than God, shift your vision to Him. Ask Him for vision, seek His Word, and ask God to help you see and follow His will. As you do, expect your life to blossom!

Pastor Dale

Photography 101

| 1:14 MIN READ |

Everybody’s a photographer in today’s world. The development and proliferation of smartphones give us all opportunities to capture memorable moments.

There’s a big difference, however, in photography and outstanding photography. Anyone can take a picture, but it takes skill, practice, and artwork to create something inspirational. Good photographers know and practice some things that others often do not.

Two key parts of photography are frame and focus. A sharp photo is well-framed and adequately focused. When time and attention is given to these steps, an image has a higher possibility of communicating its story.

Frame and focus are critical parts of life too. To have a strong, impactful life, you need a clear spiritual and mental frame of reference. You need to think the right way and value the right things. You also need proper focus. This refers to the attention you give to the right priorities.

Jesus spoke of the kind of life that is properly framed and focused in Matthew 6:33 (NLT) “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”

What adjustments do you need to make to your frame and focus? Make them now, and your life will improve!

Pastor Dale

Attention Please!

| 1:49 MIN READ |

Are you easily distracted? The world we live in is a distracting place. Sights, sounds, and appeals constantly vie for attention. Our focus shifts easily and regularly. Poor attention often keeps us from the most important things in life.

At its bottom line, attention is actually a choice. We choose who and what we give focus to. Improving our life starts with improving our focus.

Of all the persons and things calling for your attention, there is One that is most important to respond to — God. Everything in life gets better when God has our attention. The greatest days in your life begin when you respond to God’s call to attention.

Isaiah, the Old Testament prophet, learned this lesson. For years he and the nation of Judah focused on and appreciated the rule of King Uzziah. This king did lots of good things for this small country. Then things changed. The admired king, the one many put their trust in to protect Judah and keep it prosperous, died. Isaiah described the subsequent events in Isaiah 6:1 (NIV) “In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord…”

Isaiah’s attention may have been too focused on King Uzziah. When the king died, Isaiah’s attention was redirected. God got Isaiah’s attention, and wonderful things happened because of it. His life was purified by God, and his calling was confirmed by God. Isaiah’s life turned in a new direction.

What has your attention? Are you focused on your own needs, problems, pains, and pursuits? Are you trying hard to get the approval of others? Are you caught up in getting more and more things, while missing the most important thing, your relationship with God? What has your attention?

Hear God’s voice calling you today — “Your attention, please!” When God gets your attention, your life will always change for the better!

Pastor Dale

Peer Pressure

| 1:43 MIN READ |

It’s something everyone battles. We all want to be accepted. We want to be a part of the group. It’s called peer pressure, and it’s not reserved for the young. It’s a very real adult problem.

The basic component of peer pressure is the desire and drive to “be like” and to “be liked.” It’s extremely powerful. It causes people to do all kinds of things, often violating their better judgment, discarding values they hold dear, and contrary to their faith and convictions. Who could measure the number of bad decisions made by people because of peer pressure?

This problem isn’t a contemporary one. It’s always been an issue. The Israelites in the Old Testament made lots of bad decisions because they wanted to “be like” and “be liked” by others.

One example is seen in the story of Israel’s move from a theocracy (God as their King), to a monarchy. It happened during the days of Samuel the prophet. This poor decision is credited to peer pressure. Take a look at a part of this story found in 1 Samuel 8:4, 5 (NIV) “So all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel … They said … ‘now appoint a king to lead us such as the other nations have.’” And continuing in 1 Samuel 8:19, 20 (NIV) “But the people refused to listen to Samuel. ‘No!” They said. ‘We want a king over us. Then we will be like all the other nations …‘“

This decision led to lots of problems for the Israelites. It was the result of wanting to “be like” and “be liked” by other nations.

How about you? What influence does peer pressure have in your life? Do you compromise morality to be accepted? Do you hide your faith for fear of being ostracized? Let’s choose the pathway of bold living that pleases God above all others!

Pastor Dale

Anxious Thinking

| 2:00 MIN READ |

“What if …?” These two words kickstart a common problem called anxiety. For some, the struggle is quite intense. The mind continually scans life’s horizons for threatening, foreboding possibilities looming in our future. Once the threat is perceived, rumination begins. Our mind fixates on the negative and convinces us that our concerns are real. It’s not long before we’re reacting emotionally and physically to a catastrophic imagination. Anxiety then morphs into fear, which locks us down and tortures us ruthlessly.

Maybe you’ve been there. Maybe you are there. If so, what do you do? There are no quick solutions to anxiety issues. Overcoming them involves a variety of steps and stages. One of these is the decision to consistently confront our thinking with truth—specifically the truth of God’s Word. It’s a fight, but a fight worth fighting. When you rise up against anxious thoughts with the promises of God that counter them, they don’t like it. They resist. They protest. They scream. They demand to be believed. Don’t give up. Authoritatively declare and affirm God’s love, care, promises, provision, mercy, and grace no matter how loud anxiety yells.

The psalmist David had his moments of anxiety. Look at what he said about dealing with it in Psalm 119:49, 50 (TPT) “Lord, never forget the promises you’ve made to me, for they are my hope and confidence. In all of my afflictions I find great comfort in your promises, for they have kept me alive!” And in Psalm 94:18, 19 (NIV) “When I said, ‘My foot is slipping,’ your unfailing love, Lord, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.”

Are you anxious? Here’s a prayer for you, “Father, in the name of your Son, Jesus, I pray peace over every troubled mind. I ask you to calm the storm raging inside. I declare today that you are loving, good, merciful, kind, gracious and powerful. You have us in the palm of your hand. We trust in you. Let peace rule, I pray, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Pastor Dale


| 1:34 MIN READ |

Maybe you’re old enough to remember the days of paper maps? Getting to a desired destination required following marked lines on a road atlas. More times than not, you had to add another element to navigating a new area. It’s called the “stop and ask someone how to get somewhere” approach.

Getting anywhere in life requires directions. You need to know the way to the place you want to go. It’s true in the natural aspects of life and the spiritual ones too.

The most important questions you’ll answer in life are about God. How do I get to Him? How can I have a personal relationship with Him? How can I be sure that I will spend eternity with Him? No questions deserve attention more than these.

The Bible gives us clear answers. It provides us unambiguous instructions and directions. Jesus answered these questions for us. Look at three things Jesus said that provide spiritual direction to us:

John 14:6 (NLT) “Jesus told him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.’”

John 3:16 (NLT) “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”

John 20:30, 31 (NLT) “The disciples saw Jesus do many other miraculous signs in addition to the ones recorded in this book. But these are written so that you may continue to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing in him you will have life by the power of his name.”

The directions are clear, the choice to follow them is ours!

Pastor Dale