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Monday, May 23, 2011

A Big Lesson From A Little Creature

Do you know someone who is lazy? Laziness is a fairly common ailment. If we’re honest, most of us struggle with this mood from time to time; some more than others. While occasional bouts of laziness are normal, a lifestyle of laziness can be very destructive.

There’s a great Bible passage that addresses laziness and its negative consequences. God used a little creature — the ant — to teach us a valuable character trait!

Take a lesson from the ants, you lazybones. Learn from their ways and be wise! Even though they have no prince, governor, or ruler to make them work, they labor hard all summer, gathering food for the winter. But you, lazybones, how long will you sleep? When will you wake up? I want you to learn this lesson: A little extra sleep, a little more slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest — and poverty will pounce on you like a bandit; scarcity will attack you like an armed robber. — Proverbs 6:6-11 (NLT)

Ants are very interesting insects. Scientific observation helps us understand why God highlighted this tiny specimen to teach us an important life truth.

John Silling, an entomologist at Perdue Universtiy wrote this about the ant:

Basically the ant’s entire life, which can range up to seven years, is spent working. They gather food, bring it back to the nest, and use it for day-to-day meals as well as to store for the winter. In addition, the amazing insects are adept horticulturists. Some species gather bits of grass or leaves and take them back to their nests. On this organic matter … used much like fertilizer, they place tiny mushroom spores and grow them for food …

God brought one of His creatures to center stage in Scripture and said, “Take a look at this little guy and learn a big lesson. Learn the value of hard work. Learn the value of being industrious and productive. Develop the same kind of character as the ant, and you’ll be blessed!”

Actually, if you really think about it, laziness is a waste and a curse. It’s not only an avoidance of responsibility, it’s poor stewardship of the resources and opportunities God gives us. A lazy person suffers. Whether it’s spiritual laziness, laziness in our relationships or laziness in our work assignments, the end result is never good.

F.O. Walsh wrote a humorous poem about the lazy life:

While other men paint, or water or weed, I’m curled up in a chair, with a good book to read. While other men shop, or shovel, or mow, I’m … watching some show. I offer my help, but my wife says, ‘Forget it. If you lend me a hand, I know I’ll regret it.’ And therein’s my secret, I’m very adept at only one thing, and that’s being inept!

God took a small insect and taught us a big truth. He reminded us of the rewards of a diligent, productive life. Take a look at another verse that reinforces the lesson:

Lazy people want much but get little, but those who work hard will prosper. — Proverbs 13:4 (NLT)

The puny ant preaches a powerful message. The next time you see one, be inspired!

Pastor Dale

Monday, May 24, 2010

Help Needed!

Do you need some help?

There are times when we try and lift certain things that are too heavy to lift alone.  In life we experience burdens and pressures that are too much for one person to carry. There are situations when our wisdom is not enough to solve a problem or resolve a conflict. Each of these circumstances point to the need for help.

The good news is, help is available. Take a look at what the psalmist said:

“But God is my helper … ” — Psalm 54:4

We cannot always count on people to help us, but we can count on God!

What are you facing today that is too heavy, too big, too complex, too complicated, too challenging, too painful or too scary to face alone? Take it to God and ask Him to help you. Put it in His hands and watch what our strong and mighty God can and will do for you!

Pastor Dale

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Real Battle

“Be careful — watch out for attacks from Satan, your great enemy. He prowls around like a hungry, roaring lion, looking for some victim to tear apart.” 1 Peter 5:8 (LB)

“Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand safe against all strategies and tricks of Satan. For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against persons without bodies–the evil rulers of the unseen world, those mighty satanic beings and great evil princes of darkness who rule this world; and against huge numbers of wicked spirits in the spirit world. So use every piece of God’s armor to resist the enemy whenever he attacks, and when it is all over, you will still be standing up.” – Ephesians 6:11-13 (LB)

“I use God’s mighty weapons, not those made by men, to knock down the devil’s strongholds.” — 2 Corinthians 10:4 (LB)

Some people are very skeptical when it comes to talk about the devil. Such concepts of evil are viewed by many in our sophisticated, educated world as a remnant of more ignorant days long past. Belief in unseen spiritual forces of darkness is commonly relegated to the realm of the superstitious and silly.

It is interesting and extemely important to note that the Bible treats this topic very differently. It treats it seriously. The reality of an invisible but real world of darkness populated by destructive spiritual foes is presented to us in God’s Word as fact, not fiction or fantasy.

In Scripture, God repeatedly reminds us that, as believers in Jesus Christ, there are certain things we need to know about the reality of spiritual battle. Warning after warning is issued to us about the enemies of darkness we face. We would be wise to pay attention.

What does the Bible teach us about dealing with these evil forces?

The Bible teaches us that:

1.  We face a very real spiritual enemy.

We cannot prepare to fight these dark battles until and unless we accept this as true.

According to the Bible, there are actual, real forces of evil, directed by a head serpent, Satan, that must be contended with by believers.

2. There are real spiritual attacks.

The devil and his foes are not sitting back idly or passively. They are on the prowl. They are on the attack. They study their prey and strategically assault. Their attacks are subtle and personal. They deceptively seek to trap their targets, intentionally and patiently playing on their individual appetites and weaknesses.

3.  There are real spiritual casualties in this war.

The goal of our spiritual adversaries is to wound, kill and destroy people and relationships.

These evil forces of darkness are not satisfied until they wreak havoc on individual lives, families and friendships, and rob physical or emotional health from people. They are ruthless and determined.

Take a sober and careful look at the highway of life. You will discover that it is strewn with the casualties of this war. The devil would be thrilled to capture and count us in that number.

4.  There are real spiritual weapons given to us by God.

These weapons really work against our spiritual enemies. We are not defenseless. God has provided us with mighty spiritual weapons. These weapons are capable of completely stopping the missles of darkness propelled in our direction.

God has also provided us with the offensive firepower of His Word. He has duly authorized believers to put a stop to the activities of these evil forces by enforcing the decisive, eternal victory won through the death, burial, shed blood and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

5.  There is a real mistake we must avoid if this war is to be won

It is the mistake of engaging the wrong battles. We must remember who our real enemy is.

People are not our enemies! It takes a lot of maturity to finally figure this out.

Making our fights about people is our default, sinful, immature human tendency. All too often we fight with each other over hurts, misunderstandings, judgments, misjudgments, and all kinds of petty things. When we spend time and energies contending with each other, Satan sits back and smiles at his success in spiritually sidetracking and sabatoging us.

Only when we stop fighting with each other and focus our mutual efforts on fighting the real enemy will solid, lasting victory be ours. This takes a mature commitment — a decision to walk in love, grace and forgiveness with one another as brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ.

Spiritual battles are real! They are also winnable! Heed God’s warning! Know the real enemy! Use the right weapons! Live in the love of God! And then, stand firm in the authority of Jesus’ finished work on the Cross and declare victory!

Pastor Dale

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Changing Your Self-Talk

Whether we realize it or not, we are constantly carrying on a conversation with ourselves. Inside our heads and hearts there is ongoing communication.  Our spiritual and emotional health is determined by the content, tone and tenor or this dialogue.  This is sometimes referred to as “self-talk.”

Our self-talk can help us or hurt us.  When we speak the right things to ourselves we are strengthened and encouraged.  When our internal conversations are negative and demeaning, our spirit is deflated and demoralized.  We are weakened on the inside.

Many people continually barrage themselves with abusive, destructive self-talk.  Their worst enemy is their own words.  They are taken down by the things they say to themselves about themselves and about others.  They live defeated lives, not realizing that they are sabotaging the changes, victories and breakthroughs they long for by their own internal declarations and proclamations.

Let’s take a look at an example of this in the Bible.

The prophet Jeremiah lived during a very tough time in Judah’s history.  His pain over the spiritual condition of God’s people is recorded in the book of Lamentations.  He had lots of reasons to be discouraged and to give up hope as he observed the idolatry and wickedness of the nation.  But Jeremiah learned and practiced a spiritual principle that kept him going amidst the horrible and ugly circumstances around him.  Take a look at his words:

Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope:  Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.  They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, “The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.”  The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him;  it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD.  — Lamentations 3:21-26

Please pay attention to the phrase. “I say to myself … “

How did Jeremiah make it through the tough times?  He monitored his self-talk.  He made a conscious decision to say the right things to himself.  Over and over again, Jeremiah declared to himself, “The Lord is my portion … “ He was careful about what he said to himself!

What about you?  Have you monitored your self-talk recently?  Are you carrying on conversations with yourself that are sabotaging your spiritual and emotional health?  Are you speaking God’s truth to yourself or are you trafficking in lies from your spiritual adversary?

Make a decision to change your self-talk.  Speak God’s truth to yourself and watch the difference it will make!

Pastor Dale

Monday, August 11, 2008

Mom, Dad and Ministry


Today my wife and I had the opportunity to spend some time with my parents.  Mom and dad have been involved in pastoral church ministry since the early 1950’s.  As we talked, I asked Dad what he personally considered to be some of the most rewarding things about ministry life.

As he reflected back over the years, I heard real joy in his voice as he reminisced about some of the people he had the privilege of leading to the Lord, some who have gone on to heaven and many others who continue to serve the Lord today.  He spoke of several of these folks by name, and with genuine affection.  I could sense the pleasure and satisfaction he felt in knowing that he had made and continues to make a difference with his life for the sake God’s Kingdom and people.

As I reflected on their 50+ years of pastoral life and experiences, I was reminded of some of the things I believe to be essential keys to effective ministry.  At the top of list is a love for people.  To have an effective ministry a person must possess a true love for people and for their welfare, now and eternally.  Mom and dad certainly demonstrate this kind of love.

Second, effective ministry is the result of a commitment to stick with it — living and serving with endurance and faithfulness.  Mom and dad, by their example, have proved that fruitfulness and fulfillment come with a lifetime of faithful service to God and others.

I am so very proud of my parents.  Through the tough and challenging times of ministry, as well as the joyous times, I have watched them live with integrity, passion, commitment and incredible love for the local church.  What an example they have set for me, and I honor them!

Pastor Dale