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Monday, December 9, 2019

Guidance 101

| 1:27 MIN READ | Every form of transportation requires a guidance system. Whether walking, driving, sailing, or flying, we need guidance. In ancient days, direction was discovered through the movement of the sun and stars. Over time people invented the compass and developed maps. Now we have sophisticated GPS systems on our smartphones! You […]

Friday, December 6, 2019

Where Are You Going?

| 1:34 MIN READ | Where you end up is always determined by your heading. You can’t get to a location north of you if you’re driving south! Too often, people say they want to get to a specific place in life while living their life in an entirely different direction. Sometimes they are sadly […]

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Pay Day

| 1:59 MIN READ | Pay day is the day you get what’s coming to you. It’s the day you receive compensation for what you’ve done. Most often, we think of pay day as a very good thing. When you have a job, you expect to get paid for the work you’ve performed. Pay day […]

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Save The Drama

| 1:35 MIN READ | Sometimes the messages on tee shirts are quite funny and can be extremely profound. Several years ago, I noticed the words on a young lady’s shirt that made me chuckle and also drove home an important point. In bold letters was the phrase, “Save the Drama for your Mama!” How […]

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Who Are Your Real Friends?

| 1:41 MIN READ | Who are your friends? Take it deeper, who are your real friends? There’s a difference between someone who claims to be a friend and people who are real friends. It’s been said that a real friend is someone who walks into your life when everyone else walks out. Real friends […]

Monday, December 2, 2019

Did You Hear About…?

| 1:51 MIN READ | Part of the ugly side of human nature is the insatiable appetite people have to seek out and share negative information about others. It’s called gossip. The Bible describes it as sinful and destructive, to others and to us. Here are a few strong reminders: Psalm 15:1-3 (TLB) “Lord, who […]

Friday, November 29, 2019

Birds Of A Feather…

| 2:03 MIN READ | You’ve probably already filled in the rest of the phrase—flock together. From what I read, it’s a statement going back to the mid-1500s. It proves something interesting; likes have been attracting likes for centuries—for all of human history. This adage describes the law of attraction. Like attracts like. You like […]

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Like Me

| 1:16 MIN READ | And boy, do we like the likes! They’re addicting. It’s true. I read the summary of a research study comparing likes on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter feeds to highly addictive substances such as cocaine. Every like you see on your media page stimulates the release of a shot of dopamine, […]

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

What Friendships Are Made Of

| 2:21 MIN READ | I am privileged and blessed to have some great friends. They bring joy, provide counsel, and make life more meaningful. If you haven’t done so recently, stop for a moment and thank God for your friends. David, the well-known character in the Bible, had a great friend. His name was […]

Tuesday, November 26, 2019


| 1:47 MIN READ | I vaguely recall the first time I heard the term—BFF. I had no idea what it meant. When I inquired, someone educated me on the language of web life. I didn’t know at the time that it’s short for Best Friends Forever. As far as I understand it, it’s used […]

Monday, November 25, 2019


| 1:54 MIN READ | Who are your friends? Friends are a big deal. The real ones are a great blessing. The phony ones, well, they’re trouble. The difference good friends make is invaluable. They’re with you through thick and thin, the good times, and the not so good times. They don’t leave you behind […]

Friday, November 22, 2019

A Life Legacy

| 1:29 MIN READ | What do you want to be remembered for? Think about some of the greatest men and women of history. Great people leave positive and lasting legacies. There’s a difference between destiny and a legacy. Destiny is the potential ahead of you. Legacy is what you leave behind you. Both are […]

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Greater Things

| 1:15 MIN READ | Maybe you have longed for greater things in your life. Sometimes we long for more opportunities or greater things. There’s nothing inherently wrong with desiring greater things if your motives are right. And there’s only one right reason to pursue greatness, and only one thing that will genuinely get you […]

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Simple Obedience

| 1:47 MIN READ | How does God lead people? Receiving God’s guidance is wonderful. It gives us confidence. It puts us on the right track. It leads us to our highest and best in life. Discovering God’s guidance isn’t complicated. Sometimes it’s found in the simple act of doing something we’ve been asked to […]

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Get The Ball Rolling

| 1:28 MIN READ | Inspiration is a powerful thing. One way it happens is when we see someone else doing something great, awesome, or life-changing. Their example of success or positive action births something in us. It inspires us to do what we were otherwise afraid to do, or too lazy to do. We […]

Monday, November 18, 2019

Blessings In Disguise

| 1:31 MIN READ | Give me an opportunity! People complain about, beg for, are jealous of others—all because of their feelings about opportunities. What is an opportunity? Webster defines it as “a good chance for advancement or progress.” Opportunities are moments in time, when if recognized and seized, take our lives forward. Why do […]