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Monday, September 2, 2019

How Secure Are You?

| 0:57 MIN READ |

One of the realities of today’s world is the pervasive need for security. Billions of dollars are spent annually on it. From home and corporate systems focused on physical security to sophisticated systems addressing cybersecurity, it’s clear that security is something we long for and need.

Security is needed in our personal lives also. When it’s absent, we’re afflicted with worry and fear. We can’t be our best or live our best life when we’re insecure. We can’t build strong, healthy families, or work productively if we continually feel threatened or intimidated. Personal security is essential to a fulfilled and fruitful life.

Security is important spiritually and emotionally because it leads to peace. The more secure we are, the more peace we feel. The more peace we feel, the more peace we create around us. Disturbed anxious people create tumultuous environments. Peaceful people create peaceful environments.

Pastor Dale

Friday, August 30, 2019

The Myth of Experience Education

| 1:31 MIN READ |

How many times have you heard, “Experience is a great teacher?” We often talk about learning by experience. I have noticed in my life, and the lives of others, that no one learns by experience. Alone, experience teaches you nothing. It’s not experience that teaches you; it’s examined experience that leads to wisdom.

Only when you reflect on your experiences will you learn anything of value. I have known people who have been at their job for 20 or 30 years, claiming 20 or 30 years of job experience. In reality, all they have is one year of experience 20 or 30 times! They’ve never actually grown, learned, or developed over time.

Part of being a good student is being a learner. You can expose people to the highest knowledge and wisdom in the world, but without the desire and discipline of learning, they come away ignorant. One of the best things that could ever be said of you is, “He or she is a learner!” Learners examine their experiences for meaningful life lessons.

Solomon, the wise and Spirit-Inspired writer of much of the Old Testament book of Proverbs has a lot to say about learning. Look at his words recorded in Proverbs 19:8 (TPT) “Do yourself a favor and love wisdom. Learn all you can, then watch your life flourish and prosper!”

What kind of life student are you? Are you a learner? Do you examine your experiences for essential lessons? Are you asking God for wisdom and applying yourself to get it? As you do, you’re on the way to the wisdom that will cause your life to flourish!

Pastor Dale

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Pay Me Now or …

| 1:52 MIN READ |

You’ve heard the phrase before, “Pay me now or pay me later!” It refers to the tendency we have to take short cuts in life. Our desire to get certain things done quickly or cheaply often results in skimping on the necessities. Short cuts come with consequences. They don’t last. We redo what we did, many times at a higher cost! It’s been said, “If you don’t have time to do something right, when will you have time to do it over?” (John Wooden)

What’s true in the natural realm of daily life is also true in the spiritual realm. We will all want quick spiritual growth, immediate spiritual results, and quick spiritual answers. What we don’t want is to do the long-term work that is required. We prefer not to make the full investment needed for enduring results.

Jesus gave us a lesson about this in Matthew 7:24-27 (NIV) “‘Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, yet it did not fall. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.'”

Jesus illustrated the downfall of short cuts by contrasting the construction of two houses—one built on rock, the other on sand. Only one lasted. The house built on a rock took longer, cost more, and required greater effort, but stood the test of time and storms. When the wind and rain showed up, the house without foundation didn’t make it. It costs additional time, money, and effort to rebuild what could and should have been built right the first time.

Are you playing the short cut game with your life? Pay the price to build right now. You won’t regret it!

Pastor Dale

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Put Your Foot Down

| 1:45 MIN READ |

Have you ever been frustrated by a repeating set of problems or lack of response to your needs? Maybe you’ve given your children some instructions they repeatedly ignore. Finally, you come to a firm decision to see something change. We have a phrase we use for times like this, “I’m putting my foot down!” It’s a statement of resolution and authority.

When God prepared Joshua to lead Israel into the Promised Land, He instructed him about putting his foot down. Look at God’s word to Joshua in Joshua 1:2, 3 (NIV) “‘… Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan into the land I am about to give them—to the Israelites. I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses.'”

Joshua was charged with leading God’s people into a land filled with enemies. His task was to drive out all the anti-God inhabitants and possess the land God had promised His people. To do this required great resolve, and recognition of God’s backing and authority to do so. He was to go in and put his foot down! He was to walk the land and claim it as God’s territory.

We too have spiritual enemies that occupy specific segments of our lives. As a believer in Jesus Christ, you are an overcomer. God’s power, backing, and authority are given to you to drive out evil and usher in good. This will not happen without you “putting your foot down” with a sense of resolve and authority against the spiritual forces seeking to invade your life and family.

This is what James the apostle referred to in his instructions recorded in James 4:7 (NIV) “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” Put your foot down against all darkness in and around your life. It’s the first step toward victory!

Pastor Dale

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Reorder Your Priorities

| 1:34 MIN READ |

Have you ever worked diligent preparing a report or document, and forget to save it? I’ve lost quite a few of these over the years. I, for one, am deeply grateful for whoever invented auto-save!

No one enjoys working hard to create something that’s lost or destroyed. We want our labor to last.

There’s a story in the Old Testament of a group of people who experienced the continual loss of their efforts. It’s found in the book of Haggai. Look at God’s word to this group describing their predicament in Haggai 1:5, 6 (NLT) “This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies says, ‘Look at what’s happening to you! You have planted much but harvest little. You eat but are not satisfied. You drink but are still thirsty. You put on clothes but cannot keep warm. Your wages disappear as though you were putting them in pockets with holes.'”

What a sad set of circumstances! Why was this happening to them? The problem was misplaced priorities. They had neglected building God’s temple of worship. Instead of building God’s house, they turned their time, attention, and resources to build their homes. The solution was clear. God told them how to change their situation, Haggai 1:8 (NLT) “‘Now go up into the hills, bring down timber, and rebuild my house …’ “

Once the people reordered their priorities, God’s blessings flowed again. When they recommitted themselves to building God’s house, God helped them with their houses.

Maybe you need to reorder your priorities. Remember, when you commit to building God’s house, He helps you build yours!

Pastor Dale

Monday, August 26, 2019

Take Charge of Your Passion

| 1:24 MIN READ |

What’s the one thing you most enjoy? What’s the one thing you think about most often? What’s the one thing you’re willing to sacrifice other things to have or do?

All of these questions point to your passion. Everybody has it. Passion is a deep inner drive and desire for something. It’s that “thing” that gives you great pleasure and fulfillment. It’s usually connected to your work or your hobbies.

Passion energizes us. Passion focuses us. Passion inspires us. Passion affects our priorities and pursuits—positively or negatively. Disciplined passion for the right things is a great asset in life. Undisciplined or wrong-directed passion can wreak havoc on relationships and bring pain and ruin in someone’s life. The good news is this; passion is changeable and developable. You can get rid of a destructive passion and grow a healthy one.

Among all the things we can be passionate about, one thing is most positive and fulfilling. It’s the choice to develop a passion for God.

How does this happen? David, the biblical songwriter, told us how in Psalm 34:8 (NLT) “Taste and see that the Lord is good … “ This is the secret to developing a passion for God. The more you pursue Him, the more passion you’ll have for Him! As you taste His goodness, your appetite for Him increases!

Take charge of your passion. Among everything you’re passionate about, make sure God is first!

Pastor Dale

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Less is More with God