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Monday, November 26, 2018


| 1:33 min read | Matthew 2:6 “O Bethlehem of Judah, you are not just a lowly village in Judah, for a ruler will come from you who will be the shepherd for my people Israel.” The word “advent” refers to the coming or arrival of someone or something. It is traditionally and liturgically connected […]

Friday, November 23, 2018

The Path To Peace – Part 5

| 1:18 min read | How are your relationships going? It’s a big question and an important one. The quality of our relationships directly affects the quality of our lives. Your relationships can greatly enrich your life or create some of the greatest pain in life. Unfortunately, many times our relationships are draining life from […]

Thursday, November 22, 2018

The Path To Peace – Part 4

| 1:41 min read | The brain is an amazing organ of the body. Physiologically, it’s the central operating system of your life. It regulates the functioning of all living systems. Another interesting aspect of your brain is that it’s programmable. Psychologists refer to this as the elasticity of the brain. Through the things you […]

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

The Path To Peace – Part 3

| 1:19 min read | How much time have you wasted worrying? It’s sad to think of all the minutes, hours and days that have been stolen from us by worry. It would seem that we’d learn our lesson that worry doesn’t work. No problem has ever been solved by it. Jesus spoke about worry. […]

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

The Path To Peace – Part 2

| 1:14 min read | Some people have a negative view of God. They perceive Him as a “cosmic killjoy”—a kind of grumpy old man in heaven, looking for ways to make us guilty, and our lives miserable. This couldn’t be further from the truth. God is not interested in killing your joy, He’s all […]

Monday, November 19, 2018

The Path To Peace – Part 1

| 1:27 min read | Environments are important. They’re the difference between productivity and waste, joy and sadness, inspiration and despair. We live our best lives in an environment of peace. When peace rules, better work is done, more happiness is found, and every aspect of health improves. God designed you to function at your […]

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Staying Strong

| 1:16 min read | How strong are you? I’m not talking about physical strength, I’m referring to spiritual strength. How spiritually strong are you? The beginning point of developing spiritual strength is actually counterintuitive. To be strong in spirit you must first acknowledge your weakness—your spiritual vulnerabilities. When you realize how spiritually weak you […]

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Overcoming Confusion

| 1:35 min read | Decisions are a part of life. We make choices every day about all kinds of things, from the simplest decisions to very complicated ones. Nothing hinders good decision-making more than confusion. Confusion is mixed or contradictory ideas and opinions about something. It is a lack of clarity about a direction. […]

Thursday, November 1, 2018


| 1:39 min read | A while back I had surgery on one of my knees. As a part of recovery, the doctor prescribed physical therapy. I was amazed at how quickly the muscles supporting my knee atrophied. In a matter of days following the surgery, I had lost a significant amount of strength that […]

Friday, September 21, 2018

Don’t Let Your Disappointments Get You Down

| 1:07 min read | What’s disappointed you recently? Sometimes we’re disappointed by people. Promises and commitments are made that aren’t fulfilled. We’re also disappointed by circumstances. We expected things to happen a certain way at certain times, only to experience something very different. Disappointments are the result of unfulfilled expectations. When something doesn’t happen […]

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Praying With Confidence

| 1:48 min read | Most, if not all of us, have experienced the loss of confidence at some point. Confidence often fades after a serious disappointment, a series of failures or a bout with doubt and insecurity. Sometimes we lose our confidence in prayer. We wonder if God is listening and if He will […]

Friday, July 6, 2018

The Door to Your Blessing

| 2:16 min video | Pastor Dale

Wednesday, March 28, 2018


This week we’re preparing ourselves for the remembrance of Good Friday and the Celebration of Easter Sunday. With this in mind, we will turn our attention to a very important part of the story of Jesus, His sacrificial death on the Cross. Jesus’ death was the fulfillment of the Old Testament event called the Passover. […]

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

New Future

This week we’re preparing ourselves for the remembrance of Good Friday and the Celebration of Easter Sunday. With this in mind, we will turn our attention to a very important part of the story of Jesus, His sacrificial death on the Cross. Jesus’ death was the fulfillment of the Old Testament event called the Passover. […]

Tuesday, March 20, 2018


I often hear people say, “I wish I had more faith.” While I understand what they’re saying, the statement actually misses the point of how our faith increases. Faith is not something you get more of, it is actually like a muscle that gets stronger the more it is used. It grows by exercise. There […]